Disclaimer: This translation does not guarantee complete accuracy, please confirm with the original page text.
* utphullapaatalodgandhiutphulla mallikaamod - fragrant with blooming, blooming jasmine
* utphenajrimbhikaaram bhaḥ - beginning of yawning with foam
* utsangasangini bhartuḥ - of the one who holds the beloved
* utsavo raajageharaya - festival in the royal house
* udayashikharigrava - the peak of the mountain
* udaye vaticchaayaam - in the shade of the tree at sunrise
* udasunvat phalam matvaa - thinking that the fruit is ripe
* udaaharyakramam jnaatvaa - knowing the order of examples
* udagaarhavinirdhuutaudghaatitakavaaten - with the door opened, having been cleared of obstacles
* utpreedam vishakastvam - you should be encouraged
* udaanaadikrtaam chaayaam - the shade created by the garden
* unmattakokile kaale - at the time of the mad cuckoo
* unmiilshiilaniirejaupakshetram cha godhenuḥ - the field of blooming lotus and the cow
* upanatataruunaadhunvaana - bowing to the trees that are close by
* upaniitikriyaamantram - the mantra of diplomacy
* upaniitihi veshasya - the diplomacy of dress
* uppradaanam apyevam - the offering is also like this
* upaayaanti samastasampado - all wealth comes
* upayoageshu dhaanyeshu - in the useful grains
* uparyuchchvaasayatyenam - it breathes upwards
* upavaasparishraanta - tired from fasting
* upavindhyaadrivikhyaato - famous for the Vindhya mountain
* upalyabhuvaḥ kuruya - one who is able to see should do
* upashalyabhuvo'draakshit - one who is able to see saw
* upasindhuriti vyaktam - it is clear that it is the Indus river
* upadhi bhoginaam bhogaḥ - the enjoyment of those who have titles
* upadhvam praakrutakshetraan - the path to the natural fields
* upaanaahaate ko'nyah - who else is struck by the arrow
* upaninyuḥ kariindraanaam - they brought the king of elephants
* upaayah pratibodhyainam - the means to teach them
* upekshitaḥ sadosho'pi - even though it is flawed, it is ignored
* upodayaayashaskitiḥ - the fame of the rising sun
* ubhayoḥ paashvayoḥ vadhvaa - killing on both sides
* uro linggamathaasy syaat - the chest, the phallus, and the mouth would be
* uudhabhaaryo'pyayam taavad kaham cha samatoyaam cha - even this one, who is burdened with wives, where and in what equality
* rijutvaad duriidasitvaat - because of straightness and because of being far away
* ekatah saarvabhaumabhiḥ - from one side by the emperors
* ekatah lavanambhosiḥ - from one side by the salty water
* ekadaa vihaarartham - once for the purpose of recreation
* ekasyameva nikshipya - placing it in one alone
* ekaadyekadaashantaani - from one to eleven
* ekaadhah paatayatyannya - one falls down, the other
* ekaannaghatasankhyaaste