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Forty-third Chapter
Reaching the Sindhu river, he stopped his elephant at the royal gate. After dismissing the other kings, he entered the tent, dismounted, and seated the elephant. He then dismounted himself, and having his beloved Sulochana dismount, he settled down comfortably on a soft bed in his designated place. Knowing the events of the time, he pleased his beloved with gifts, bathing, food, conversation, music, dance, and entertainment. After spending a pleasant night there, he explained the reason for his stay, reassured her, and left her there, along with Hemaangad and the other brothers. He then appointed all his younger brothers to properly guard the army and, accompanied by a few trusted men, set out for Ayodhya.
He was welcomed by Arkiirti and other noblemen upon his arrival in Ayodhya. The king Jayakumar, who was conversing with Arkiirti with great affection and respect, entered Ayodhya with his beloveds. It is only right that he should enter Ayodhya with his beloveds, for who else would not worship a king who is worthy of worship?
Just as Indra dismounts his elephant at the outer gate of the Samavasarana, so too did Jayakumar dismount his elephant at the outer gate of the royal palace and enter the assembly hall. The floor of the assembly hall was studded with jewels. In the middle of it was a jewel pavilion, filled with pillars adorned with dazzling jewels, decorated with canopies of various kinds of silk, adorned with long, fan-shaped ornaments made of pearls and gems, and enveloped in a network of precious jewels. Just as the sun shines brightly on the eastern mountain, so too did King Bharat shine brightly on his high throne in that jewel pavilion. Just as the moon is adorned by a group of celestial beings, so too was King Bharat adorned by many kings. Pure white chamaras were waved over him, like his own fame.
1. Group of kings. 2. Sitting down. 3. That elephant. 4. Explaining. 5. Reason. 6. Towards Ayodhya. 7. Main. 8. Worshipped. 9. Like a Chakravarti. 10. The assembly hall of the king is like the Samavasarana. 11. Of the assembly hall. 12. Made of silk cloth. 13. Studded. 14. Garland. 15. In the jewel pavilion. 16. With chamaras.