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## The 84 Gandharas of Bhagavan Rishabhadeva
The 34th Tirthankara is Achala, also known as Meru. Following him are Merudhana, Merubhuti, Sarvayasha, Sarvayajna, Sarvagupta, Sarvapriya, Sarvadeva, Sarvavijaya, Vijayagupta, Vijayamitra, Vijayila, Aparajita, Vasumitra, Vishvasena, Sadhusena, Satyadeva, Devasatya, Satyagupta, Satymitra, Nirmalaguna, Vineeta, Samvara, Munigupta, Munidatta, Muniyajna, Munideva, Guptayajna, Mitrayajna, Swayambhu, Bhagdeva, Bhagadatta, Bhagfalgu, Guptafalgu, Mitrafalgu, Prajapati, Sarvasandha, Varuna, Dhanapalaka, Maghavan, Tejoraashi, Mahavir, Maharath, Vishalaaksha, Mahabala, Shuchishala, Vajra, Vajrasara, Chandrachula, Jaya, Maharasa, Kachcha, Mahakachcha, Nami, Vinami, Bala, Atibala, Bhadrabala, Nandi, Mahabaghi, Nandimitra, Kamadeva, and Anupama.
These 84 Gandharas of Bhagavan Rishabhadeva were all endowed with the seven Riddhis and were like the omniscient Deva. Among these 84 Gandharas, the one who renounced his home, was highly influential, virtuous, and attained the 71st number, i.e., the 71st Gandhara, was Jayakumar. Please tell me his Purana, as it contains great wonders. You are like a great cloud for the flock of Bhavyajiva Chataka birds.
After that, knowing the grace of the Gandhara Devas, King Shrenik adorned his place, i.e., he sat in his place. This is right, because intelligent people know the signs.
"O Shista," you have asked what we wanted to ask. Therefore, the assembly praised him, saying, "You are our mind and tongue."