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## Forty-fourth Chapter
These, having attained विकार (negative tendencies) by the end of time, will become दुर्दश (wicked) and धर्मद्रोही (traitors to Dharma). They will be पापोपहतचेतना (with minds poisoned by sin). ||50||
Engaged in सत्वोपघात (harming living beings) and fond of ममांसाशन (meat and honey), these अधामिका (wicked) Brahmanas will proclaim धर्म (Dharma) as प्रवृत्तिलक्षण (characterized by violence). ||51||
These दुराशया (wicked-minded) Brahmanas, corrupting धर्म (Dharma) by its अहिंसालक्षण (characteristic of non-violence), will nourish धर्म (Dharma) as चोदनालक्षण (characterized by violence). ||52||
These धूर्ता (deceitful) Brahmanas, bearers of पापसूत्र (the thread of sin), devoted to प्राणिमारण (killing living beings), will become सन्मार्गपरिपन्थिन (opposed to the right path) in the वत्र्ययुग (fifth age). ||53||
Therefore, although the creation of Brahmanas is not a cause of fault today, it will be the बीज (seed) of fault in the future due to the rise of कुपाखण्ड (false doctrines). ||54||
Thus, although this creation of Brahmanas is the बीज (seed) of fault in the future, it should not be avoided now, as it does not violate धर्मसृष्टि (the creation of Dharma). ||55||
Just as food consumed, though sometimes causing harm to someone, is not abandoned by wise people due to their faith in its many virtues, so too, although these men, due to the disparity in their opinions, will become a cause of fault in the future, they should be considered virtuous now. ||56-57||
Thus, this is the answer regarding your creation of Brahmanas. Now, the dreams you have seen, alas, will also indicate the decline of Dharma in the future age (fifth age). ||58||
Those dreams are said to be of two types: स्वस्थास्वस्थात्मगोचरा (seen in healthy and unhealthy states). Those seen with the balance of all धातु (elements) are considered स्वस्था (healthy), while those seen with imbalance are considered विषमरितरे (unhealthy). ||59||
Dreams seen in a healthy state are सत्य (true), while those seen in an unhealthy state are मिथ्या (false). This is the well-known understanding of dream interpretation. ||60||
There are two other categories of dreams: those arising from दोष (faults) and those arising from देव (divine beings). Those arising from the प्रकोप (agitation) of faults are मिथ्या (false), while those arising from देव (divine beings) are सत्य (true). ||61||