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One should say "Staam" twice, then "Trilokavijaya Dharmamurtipade", then "Dharmanemipadam" twice, then "Swaha". ||75||
Then a wise person should recite the desired mantra according to the previous method. All mantras are considered to be primarily for the fulfillment of desires by the wise. ||76||
Chuni: - "Namah to Satya-jata, Namah to Arha-jata, Namah to Parama-jata, Namah to Parama-arhata, Namah to Parama-rupa, Namah to Parama-tejas, Namah to Parama-guna, Namah to Parama-sthana, Namah to Parama-yogini, Namah to Parama-bhagya, Namah to Parama-ardhya, Namah to Parama-prasada, Namah to Parama-kaakshita, Namah to Parama-vijaya, Namah to Parama-vijnana, Namah to Parama-darshana, Namah to Parama-virya, Namah to Parama-sukha, Namah to Sarva-jna, Namah to Arhata, Namo Namaha to Parama-ishthina, Namo Namaha to Parama-netra, Samyag-drishte Samyag-drishte, Trilokavijaya Trilokavijaya, Dharmamurte Dharmamurte, Dharmaneme Dharmaneme Swaha, Shat-parama-sthana bhavatu, Apamrityu-vinashanam bhavatu, Samadhi-maranam bhavatu."
These seven Peethika mantras should be known by the best of Brahmanas. One should perform the worship of the Siddha with these mantras during the process of Garbha-adhana and other rituals. ||77||
These are the Kriya mantras during the process of Garbha-adhana and other rituals. They become Sadhana mantras in the Sutras spoken by the Ganadharas. ||78||
These mantras, when performed according to the proper method, are called Ahuti mantras during the daily rituals of Sandhya, Agni-tray, and Deva-pujana. ||79||
One should chant these mantras one hundred and eight times in the presence of the Siddha, after offering gandha, pushpa, akshata, and arghya. ||80||
Then, one who has attained mastery over the Vidya should perform the rituals with these mantras, wearing white clothes, being pure, wearing the Yajnopavita, and with a calm mind. ||81||
One should say "Kahana" and then use the word "Samyag-drishti" twice. ||74||
Similarly, one should pronounce "Trilokavijaya", "Dharmamurti", and "Dharmanemi" twice each, and finally say "Swaha". That is, one should say "Samyag-drishte Samyag-drishte, Trilokavijaya Trilokavijaya, Dharmamurte Dharmamurte, Dharmaneme Dharmaneme Swaha" (Oh Samyag-drishti, Oh conqueror of the three worlds, Oh Dharmamurti, and Oh propagator of Dharma, I offer you this oblation). ||75||
Then, the Brahmanas should recite the desired mantra according to the previous method, because the wise consider the fulfillment of desires to be the main fruit of all mantras. ||76||
The collection of Parama-ishthi mantras is as follows:
"Namah to Satya