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This act of liberation is called Nishkraanti for those who are renouncing the kingdom and are being repeatedly enlightened by the Laukaanika Devas who have come. || 267 || They hand over the kingdom to their eldest son in the presence of all the kings and instruct him to take care of the family. || 268 || O son, you should be free from the wealth of justice in the care of the subjects, that is, you should consider justice as wealth, because the subjects who are cared for with justice are considered like the wish-fulfilling cow, the Kamadhenu. || 269 || O son, you should consider this as the duty of kings, that is, to earn wealth justly, to increase it, to protect it, and to give it to the holy places or to the worthy recipients. || 270 || To protect the subjects, one should first protect one's own intellect. The knowledge of what is beneficial and what is harmful in matters pertaining to both this world and the next is called intellect. || 271 || Therefore, by conquering the senses through the wealth of association with the elders, you should become capable of refining your intellect through the knowledge of Dharma Shastra and Artha Shastra, that is, develop good qualities of the intellect. || 272 || If the king acts contrary to this, then he will become foolish due to not knowing what is beneficial and what is harmful, and in such a situation, he will be under the control of others who are misled by a mere fraction of false knowledge. || 273 || Kings should make great efforts to uphold the traditions of their lineage, because one who is ignorant of the traditions of his lineage can corrupt the lineage with his evil deeds. || 274 || Besides this, the king should always strive to protect himself, because only when he is safe can everything else be safe. || 275 || The king who has not protected himself is destroyed by enemies and by his own servants who are angry, greedy, and insulted. || 276 || Therefore, one should avoid the dangers that are initially easy but difficult to bear in the end, and protect oneself through the efforts of one's own beloved group. || 277 || Besides this,
1 For the sake of Prajapati. 2 Of wealth. 3 Worthy recipient. 6 Niti Shastra. 7 Bhūyo etc., P., S. 8 Vashya. 11 Therefore, because of. 12 Rasata, the taste, making it sweet, etc., the taste at the time of tasting, at the time of experiencing, giving sweet taste, at the time of ripening, bitter, etc. 13 For the sake of self-protection. - Atmadirkshan, A., P., D.
4 Protection of one's own intellect. 5 Therefore, because of. From inheritors or enemies. 10 Insulted.