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## Chapter Thirty-Two
The hero, Samanyone, the lord surrounded by elephants, crossed the watery fortress with a great army. ||32|| Then, carried by the desire to travel, he crossed the mountain fortress and resided at the northern gate of the cave. ||33|| Having crossed the open gate, made accessible by the eastern forces, the lord resided in the forest land of the mountain. ||34|| Having rested in the womb of the cave, like a mother's womb, the soldiers who emerged felt they had attained a new birth. ||35|| The cave, as if swallowing this group of people with great desire, now spewed them out, unable to digest them due to its weakened power. ||36|| The wind, blowing like wings, with the tips of the branches of the forest trees, seemed to be comforting the army, which had been distressed by the heat of the cave for a long time. ||37|| The forest, adorned with seasonal fruits and flowers, and swaying with the wind, seemed to be dancing with joy at the arrival of the lord, with its branches like hands. ||38|| Having conquered the western Mlechchha region, as before, the lord, with his forces, set out to conquer the middle Mlechchha region. ||39|| Though Bharat, like the sun, had emerged towards the north, he did not oppress the people with his hands, nor did he dry up the earth's essence, nor did he scorch the people, as the sun does with its rays. ||40|| The sun, residing in the north, scorches with its rays, but King Bharat removed the earth's heat. ||41|| Bharat's armies, with their formations arranged and united, did not stray far from him, nor did they act independently. ||42||