xVIII. 10-11]
14. किन्न (बाकीर्ण?)-This seems to be बाइण्ण of the Svetambara version which is the seventeenth story there. T. reads : वाहिमर्दनस्थितकर्षकपुरुषसत्यकथा. This story also does not seem to have any correspondence with the Svetämbara version.
15. सुसुकेय-This should correspond with संसूमा of the Svetambara version which is the eighteenth story there. T. reads : बाराधनाकथितसुंसुमारदहनिक्षिप्तपाणकथा. There seems to be agreement between the two versions.
16. अवरकंके-This is called अवरकंका in the Svetambara version where also it is the sixteenth narrative. T. reads: बवरकंकनामपत्तनोत्पन्नजनचोरकथा. There is mention of the town of aract in the Svetāmbara version, but beyond this there seems to be no nothing common between the stories in the two versions.
17. नंदिफलं-This is called the same in the Svetāmbara version but there it is the fifteenth story. T. reads : अटव्यां स्थितबुभुक्षापीडितधन्वन्तरिविश्वानुलोमभृत्यानां किपाकफलकथा. The narrative seems to be similar in both the versions.
18. उदगनाह-This seems to correspond to उदगनाथ of the Svetāmbara version which is the twelfth story there. T. reads: उदगनाह उदकनाथ (?) कथा यथा राजामात्यसमक्षगडुककथा. The story seems to be similar in both the versions.
19. पंडरिगो य-This is the last story in both the versions. T. reads : पुंडरिगो य पुण्डरीकराजपुश्याः कथा. The Svetambara version seems to be different from the above as will be seen from the extract from the com.
वाससहस्सं पि जई काऊणं संजमं सुविउलं पि । बन्ते किलिट्रभावो न विसुज्झइ कण्डरीउ व्व ।। बप्पेण वि कालेपं के वि जहागहियसीलसामण्णा ।
साहिन्ति निययकज्जं पुण्डरीयमहारिसि व्व ।। T. adds : अथवा-गुण जीवा प्र(?)जतीपाणासायामग्गणा उ य ।
एउणवीसा एदे पाहज्झयणा मुणेयव्वा ॥ अथवा-नव केवललद्धीओ कम्मक्खययं जं हवन्ति दस चेव ।
णाहज्झयणा एए एउणवीसा वियाणेहि ॥ कर्मक्षयजाः घातिकर्मक्षयजाः दशातिशयाः It is clear that the names of the अज्झयणs agree in the two versions largely, but their contents seem to differ widely. Of course this is a mere hypothesis based upon somewhat imperfect evidence of T.
(20) वीसविहई असमाहीठाणई-Twenty types or causes of असमाधि, absence of transquility of mind. These twenty causes are given in Devendra's com. as follows:
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