Dr. Schrader identifies him as the oldest astronomer. There is a work named iPārāśara-smrti, whose author I believe is the person referred to by the commentator. There is another individual of the same name, viz., a grandson of Vasistha. A dialogue is described as having taken place between him and Maitreya, a pupil of Vasiştha. Jātūkarna
Dr. Schrader has the reading "Jātukarnya. His name seems te have been also written as Jātukarni. He is an expounder of dharma as can be seen from a quotation of Visvarūpa on (Yaj. I. 4-5). It appears that he has composed a sūtra work on ācara and śrāddha. Vālmīki—
By him the commentator seems to mean the celebrated author of the Rāmāyana. Romaharşani(?na)--
As a writer of four fundamental Purāna-samhitās, we notice the name of Sūta Romaharsana, along with those of his three pupils who collaborated with him. The name Lomaharşana (or Romaharsana) is explained etymologically in the Vāyu-purāna as “one who, by his beautiful narrations, causes the hair (loman) on the bodies of the hearers to stand on end with joy (harşana). Vyāsa
Vyāsa is the illustrious author of the Mahābhārata. Ilāputra
The two repics as well as the several Purānas tell us that Ita, a son of Prajāpati Kardama and the king of the Bāhlika country was turned into a woman and passed by the name of Ilā, and when in this condition had a son Purūravas, by Budha, the son of Soma, the moon-god. Is he the individual referred to by the commentator ?
1, 3. See History of Dharmaśāstra, pp. 190-196 and pp. 119-120. 2, 4. One of the grammarians bears this name as pointed out by Dr. Burnell. 5, 6. Cf;
___ "जं इमं अण्णाणिएहिं मिच्छदिठीहिं सच्छंदबुद्धिमइविगप्पियं, तं जहा-भारहं रामायणं भीमसुरुक्क कोडिल्लयं घोडयमुहं सगडभद्दिआउ कप्पासिअं णागसुहुमं कणगसत्तरी वेसियं वइसेसियं बुद्धसासणं काविलं लोगायतं सढ़ियंतं माठरपुराणवागरणनाडगाइ।"
-Anuyogadvāra sūtra, 41; 7. See Rāmāyaṇa VII, 87,3,
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