Pandit Shri Sukhlalji Sanghavi is one of the greatest Sanskrit scholars in India, of whom every one should feel proud not only in this country but also abroad.
Pandit Sukhlalji is respected in learned society not only as a profound Sanskrit scholar, but also as a man of character. He is free from all sorts of dogmatism or sectarianism
-Mm. Vidhushekhar Shastri Pandit Sukhlalji is one of the living authorities on Jainism. His studies in Jainism are all along carried on in the broad perspective of the Indian pattern of thought and learning. The realm of knowledge for him recognises no religious, racial, temporal and geographical barriers; and the human thought-process, as he understands it, is a continuous and connected flow.. ... Panditji is a light of learning which enkindles your thinking power: wherever he stays, he creates round him atmosphere of study and progressive thinking.
---Prof. Dr. A. N. Upadhye
વિદ્વાનોમાં જ્યારે પક્ષપાત, સંકુચિતતા, ક્રોધ અથવા લાભ પેસી જાય છે, ત્યારે તેમનામાં એશિયાળાપણું આવી જાય છે. સુખલાલજી નિરાગ્રહી અને નિઃસ્પૃહી હોવાને ક્રારણે એમણે પોતાની તેજસ્વિતા ખોઈ નથી.
– કાકા કાલેલકર
पंडित सुखलालजीका स्मरण करते हुए एक सम्मानित विशेषण जो मेरे मनमें आता है वह 'महाप्राज्ञ' है। वे सर्वथा
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