(4) In the Sākațāyana one finds nāmarüpaprakriyā in the second pāda of the first adhyāya. Malayagiri demonstrates, after Sākațāyan, this prakriya in the first pādas (except the first 10 sūtras of the first päda).
(5) In the sākatāyana kārakaprakarana, șatva-natva prakarana, striprakarana and samāsaprakarana are not written separately. Similarly, Malayagiri does not write those prakaranas separately. On the other hand, we find those prakaranas written separately in the Siddhahema.
It is to be noted here that Malayagiri's Sabdānuśásana differs from Sākațāyana on one point. Sākațāyana takes up the topic of ātmane padaparasmai pada before the topic of samāsa wbile Malayagiri includes the topic of samāsa in the pädas on nāma, and all the prakriyās regarding ākhyāta in tbe pādas on ākhyāta ( verb ) (i,e. the topic of ātmanepadaparasmaipada is included in the pādas on ākhyāta). Thus from the point of view of arrangement of topics, Malayagiri does not follow sākațāyana.
Thus though Malayagiri follows Sākațāyana in style, he differs from Sākațāyana on the arrangement of topics. The following table will clearly point out the verbal similarity between Sakațāyana's aphorisms, and Malayagiri's aphorisms. Sakațāyana
Malayagiri na vyttyantaḥ 1 (1. 1. 65 )
na vyttyantah / (II. 11) stan matvarthe 1 (1. 1. 66 )
stam matvarthe / II. 12) manurṇabho'ngiro vati (1. 1. 67) manurnabho'ngiro vati 1 (II. 13) śās-vasi-sikytasya asaksātah abahu- kytasya asaksāi aḥ apada-bahoh șih padāt 1 (1. 2.65)
(Nămni, II, 30 )
śāsi-vasa-ghasaḥ 1 (Nämni, II, 32) pra-daśa-yna-vasana-kambala
pra-daśa-rna-vasana-kambalavatsatarasya re 1 (1. 1. 90 ) vatsara-vatsatarasya yne (III. 16 ) pañcatah anekatarasya anyädeh pañcataḥ nap anekatarasya anya
dak svamoḥ / 1. 2. 2) deh syamoh daś (nāmao pão 1. 10) jāgr usasamandhe vā / (1. 4.4) samindh-jāgr-uşaḥ va /
(ākhyāo pão I. 27) śap-nätha-śikṣa-bhujāt upalambhana- nātha-sikşa-sapi-bhujāt āśir-jijñāsā. āśir-jijñāsā-airāne 1 (1. 4. 12) upalambhana-atrāne /
(ākhyāo pão II. 6) paraḥ 1 (1. 1.4)
paraḥ 1 (2. 17) spardhe 1 (1. 1. 46 )
spardhe 1 (2. 18) pratyayah kylah aşasthyah (I. 1. 41 ) pratyayah kytah aşasthyarthasya /
(2.16 )
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