The editor Syt. Narendracandra Bhattācārya writes “The commentary of Jinavardhana has been of special help to me from which important extracts have been occasionally quoted'.” Many reliable MSS of the Jinavardhani are also available but surprisingly till now it is not edited by anyone. This inspired me to edit this famous old commentary. Jinavardhanasūri :
Jinavardhanasūri, the author of Jinavardhani on Saptapadārthi was the successor of Jinarājasūri of Kharataragaccha and remained the high priest of the sect from 1406 A. D. to 1419 A. D. Then he was deposed on account of his having transgressed one of the vows. This date is also confirmed by the fact that a MS of Udayana's Tātparyaparisuddhi belonging to Deccan College Collection (now in the possession of B.O.R.I.) has at the end the remark (in a modern handwriting) thus-jaa 2899 at sila at sifarisaya sifatrai g1964 I V. S. 1471 corresponds to 1414 A. D.
As the date of Madhavācārya, the author of Mitabhāsini is not known it is not yet decided that whether he was prior to Jinavardhanaşūri or not. From the Jinavardhani also we do not get any evidence that he follows Mitabhāsini. On the contrary sometimes Jinavardhana to show his originality interprets some passages quite differently than others, e.g. the definition of Pramana in Saptapadārthi is : प्रमायोगव्यवच्छिनं प्रमाणम् and all the Commentators save Jinavardhana take प्रमाऽयोगव्यवच्छिनं 44114 YR 37471:-374 : T afasyni fen TTSL T ref: 13 But surprisingly Jinavardhana not accepting the traditional meaning of 374 og foreni interprets as follows : 4419 T: H : 49 k afari 144 14 We know the traditional meaning of अवच्छिन्न as व्याप्त but not of व्यवच्छिन्न as व्याप्त. व्यवच्छिन means रहित but giving up the traditional meaning he interprets व्यवच्छिन्न as विशेषेण अवच्छिन्न-विशेषेण व्याप्तं and perhaps wants to show that there is no necessity of taking the reading as 44754M. Even if the 44752M reading is taken it can also give the meaning. However we submit here that the interpretation of Jinavardhanasūri is somewhat farfetched yet it shows his originality. However on the whole he is a faithful commentator. This can be proved from the interpretation of the Mangala verse where he has vehemently
1. Vide, Ed. Saptapadārthi C. S. S. Preface, p. 1. 2. Vide, Ed. Saptapadārthi by V. S. Ghate. Intro., p. 7. 3. Vide, Saptapadārthi (C. S. S.), p. 73. 4. Vide the text, p. 64.
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