Vasudevahindi : Majjhima-khamda
the 'vriginal BK. The correspondences listed in Table II and the findings and observations of Mayrhofer and Jain would give some definite idea in this regard Between hein, they seem 10 have prescrved more of the original BK than the other versions.
8. Several Brhatkatbās Materials and features specifically common 10 VH and BKSS as against the Kashmirian versions have pointed to the existence of more than one versions of BK as their source. Actual textual evidence supporting this inference has been made available by Bhoja's Sigāraprakas'a. It gives two actual citations from works titled Briarkatha and refers to the contents of their nine diffenent sections giving the section titles. 11 The Paisāci citation is said to be from the section called Kalingasena-lambha (or Tabha) which corresponds to the Vişamasila-lambaka of KSS and BKM. The cited passage closely corresponds 10 a passage in KSS. This shows that Bhoja knew a Paišācı version of BK, that contained the Vikramnäditya stories and that had section titles which differed from those of KSS and BKM. The latter conclusion is further strongly supported by the Srngäraprakāśa references to the subject-matter contained in sections called Kathapitha, Kathāmukha, Karpūrikā, Kalingasenā, Nandaprabodhana, Caturdārikä and Madirāvati, though it is likely that some of these references pertain to a BK version different from that from which the Paiści citation is given. That a Sanskrit version also of BK was known to Bhoja is shown by the Sanskrit citation from a BK section called Nandaprabodhana.
The Kathāpitha of BK known to Bhoja contained the story of Upavarşa and Upakośā (i.c. of Vararuci) and the Kathamukha, the story of Udayana, Palaka and Gopālaka. Thus, they were similar to the Kathäpitha and Kathāmukha of KSS.12
11. Raghavan has critically discussed this data in Bhoja's Syngärapra. kaša, pp. 839-857, 902.
12. BKŚS has only the Kithamukha. Jayanta Bhatta (9th cent. A.D.) has cited the following verse as a statment of Puşpadanta :
भ्रष्टःशापेन देव्याः शिवपरवसतेयद्यहं मन्द-भाग्यः माध्यं वा जन्मना मे यदि मल-कलिले मर्य-लोके सशोके । Efraifugtigs-Atrof-gorauiftis:
फार्म जायेय वैयाकरण-भणितिभिस्तूर्णमाकर्ण-पूर्णः ॥ (Nyâyamaħjari, VI. p. 261, University of Mysore edition, 1983)
It seems that this verse comes from some Kavya work based on the Keithăpitha episode of a BK version. siqnilar to the Udaj anodaya, based on the Kathamukha, as cited by Bhoja in the Singaraprakāśa p. 481.
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