wherein the words of the verses and sentenses of Sanskrit and Prakrit work are separated in print. In Sabhanga type of Sleşa the poet has an opportunity to exhibit his mastery of numerous Kośa works specially those portions thereof wbich treat of synonyms and polynyms. **The notable instances wbere the poet excels in the use of Sabhangaśleşa are the ones in which the speech of Jina is compared to Śrtā,125 a wicked person is likened to a necklace, 126 a king is identified with a R$i,127 and a speech is identified with a river128. In other notable instances like the following, the verse refers to both the human soldiers and demons,129 to noble soldiers and noble ladies130. However, the most remarable instances exbibitng the poet's craftsmanship at its best are the ones in which the same verse refers both to the conduct of a great man and an aeroplane, 181 or in which the same adjectives apply both to the hid age and the youth, 182 or in which the same qualificatory phrases could be construed with the male substantive as well the female one.138.
..* At times the poet combines both the Sabhanga and Abhanga varieties, as in the passage describing Madanarekbā as engrossed in thought after unsuccessful return of the incorrigibly passionate king.186.
(6) Anuprāsa:
Jinabhadrasūri often utilizes Anuprāsa very effectively, as in the description of the ways and means adopted by king Maniratha to seduce Madanarekha;185 or in the one of late evening.186
(7) Yamaka :
The poet has tried his hand at various types of Yamakas like Adiyamaka,137 Madhya-yamaka,180 Saadamsa-yamaka,146 Sandaştakayamaka 14o and Yugmaka-yamaka 141.
125. MRA, Intro. vs. 3. 126. Op. cit., p. 58-59, vs. 122. 127. Op. cit., p. 65, vs. 140. 128. Op. cit., p. 78, vs. 174. 129. Op. cit., p. 78, vs. 175. 130. Op. cit. p. 79, vs. 176. 131. Op. cit., p. 125(24.) 132. Op. cit., p. 123(10ff.). 133. Op. cit., p. 86 vs. 191. 134. Op. cit., p. 81 (10 ff). 135. Op. cit., p. 48 (7ff.). 136. Op. cit, p. 94 (2 ff.). 137. Op. cit., 63 (7.); p. 98, vs. 222. 138. Op. cit., p. 27, vs. 68. 139. Op. cit., p. 53, vs. 111; p. 121, vs. 300. 140. Op. cit., p. 32, vs. 74; p. 64, vs. 137; P, 76, vs. 163; p. 98, vs. 221. 141. Op cit., p. 32, vs 71; p. 33, vs. 75; p. 77, vs. 172; p. 79, vs. 178.
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