stars, 108 a lake in the forest,104 and the shadows of the trees reflected in the water of lake 105 The imageries have moralistic tinge in the description of the evening with gradually decreasing heat,106 or gradually increasing darkness.107 There are instances of fine imageries drawn from Jain reliefs 109 the procedure of initiation (dıkşā),109 from Metrics, 110 from marriage ceremony111 and from mythology. 112
(4) Other Arthalankāras :
Occasionally the poet utilizes the turns of speech resulting in figures of speech like Vyatireka, 119 Virodbābbāsa,114 Vyajastuti,115 Kavyalinga, 116 Sabokti, 117 Yatbāsasankhya,118 Parisankhyā, 119 Ekāvali,120 Arthāntaranyāsa 1a Dystāsta,122 Nidarśadā,123 and Artha-ślesa.124
(5) Ślesa :
Among the Sabdalnakāras, the poet bas utilized śleşa, Anuprāsa and Yamaka, By far Jinabhadrasūri is very fond of paronomasia of both the Sabhanga and the Abbanga varieties, the former necessiating two-way splitting of the syllables of the phrases. The Sabhanga type of slesa, it must be noted, presupposes the necessity of the close-writing style in which the words of a verse or a sentence are not separated. This practice has prevailed up to date as an accepted calligraphic feature in the case of Sanskrit, Prakrit and Apabbraṁsa manuscripts in India since last two millenniums. The beautiful craftsmanship involved in this type of parono masia is difficult to be properly expressed in the modern printed texts
103. Op. cit., pp. 92-93, vs. 205. 104. Op. cit., p. 109, vs. 259. 105. Op. cit., p. 110, vs. 260. 106. Op. cit., p. 91, vs. 202. 107. Op. cit., p. 92, vs. 204. 108. Op. cit., p. 112, vs. 273. 109. Op. cit., p. 112, vs. 272. 110. Op. cit., p. 74, vs. 158. 111. Op. cit., p. 46(1ff.) 112. Op. cit., pp. 44-45. 113. Op. cit., p. 42, vs. 86. 114. Op. cit., pp. 23(1-2); 42(17ff.); 50(8ff.); 121(1); 135(10ff.); 145(1ff). 115. Op. cit., p. 34, vs. 78 116. Op. cit., pp. 42, vs. 87; 105, vs 245, 117. Op. cit., p. 106, vs. 254. 118. Op. cit., p. 83(16ff.) 119. Op. cit., p. 31(2-4). 120. Op. cit., pp. 79-80, vs. 179. 121. Op. cit.. p. 57(11ff.). 122. Op. cit. p. 68, vs. 147; p. 100, vs. 234. 123. Op cit, p. 122, vs. 30. 124. Op. cit. p. 62, vs. 132; p. 104, vs. 243; p. 114, vss. 271-272; p. 132, vs. 326.
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