Catalogues of Manuscripts consulted
Benares Catalogue : A Descriptive Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts (at
the Saraswati Bhavan). Vol. VIII, Ed.: Subhadra Jha. Benares 1962.
Bikaner Catalogue : Anupa Sanskrit Literary Bikaner Eds. Kunhan Raj
and K. M. K. Sarma, lodia Office Lib : Catalogue of the Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Library of
the India Office. part IV. Erast Windsch and Julius Eggeliag. London, 1894.
Jesalmir Catalogue : Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Martuscripts to
Jesalmir, Compiled by Sri Muni Punyavijayaji. Ahmedabad. 1972 Jodhpur Catalogue : A Classified list of Manuscripts in the Rajasthan Oriental
Research Institute, Jodhpur. Ed. Muni Jinavijaya. Jodhpur, 1960 L. D. Institute Catalogue : Catalogue of Sanskrit and Prakrit Manuscripts
at the L. D. Institute of Indology. Maharaja Punyavijayaji's Collection.
L. D. S. 2. Ed. Ambalat P. Shah. Ahmedabad. 1963. Limbdi Catalogue : Catalogue of Seth-Anand ajt-Kalyanaji-Jaina--Pustak,
Bhandar Ed. Sri Caturavijayaji. Agamodayasamiti Bombay. 1928,
Nagarseth Collection: Catalogue of Manuscripts of the Nagarseth Collection
at the L. D. Institute of Indology (unpublished). Nagpur Catalogue : Catalogue of Sanskrit Manuscripts in the Nagpur
University Library. Ed. Dr. V. W. Karmarvelkar. Nagpár. 1957. Pattan Catalogue : A Descriptive Catalogue of Manuscripts in the Jaina
Bhandar. Bd. C. D. Dalal. Gaekwad's Oriental Series, Baroda. 1915.
Books and Articles referred to in the Introduction
Bhanderkar, B. R. Report on the Manuscripts in Central India and
Rajputana. Hindi Title: Rajasthan me Samskrt Sakitya ki khonjke
visayame ek višiş ça vivarani. Bhattacharja, D. C. Bange Navya-nyaya Carca. Calcutta: Baogiya Sahitya
Parisat. 1952 --History of Navya-nyaya in Mithila. Darbhanga; Mithila Institute. 1958. Bloomfield, M. “Some Aspects of Jaina Sanskrit," Festschrift Jacob
Wackernagel, Gottingen, pp. 220-230. Citsukba, Tarvoarpradīptika. Bombay : Nirnaya Sagar Press, 1915.
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