आगम और त्रिपिटक : एक अनुशालन
The language of Buddhist Pitakas is almost Māgadhi Prākrit, which came to be known by the pame of pāli later on.
The vast literature available in the form of Jaina Agamas and Buddhist Pitakas, is a cultural treasure of our country, which has inspired many aspects of Indian life, culminating in the uplift of the society and efflorescence of civilisation.
Without obtaining knowledge about this literature, the study of Indian culture and philosophy can not be construed as complete.
Many scholars in India and abroad have made appreciable efforts in tbis directicn. But the said study is so vast and varied that it may go on for ever.
It is indeed a matter of delight that revered Muni Shri Nagrajji, well-known and well-versed Indologist of the country, has taken up this work specially, and in context of the study of Jaina Agama and Tripitaka two volumes entitled "ĀGAMA AND TRIPITAKA: EKA ANUSHILANA" as Part I and II of the work, have been published.
As it is known, the first volume, which depicts Lord Mahavira and Lord Buddha in their ethical life in the religious order quoting relevant historical, cultural and ethical contexts from the Āgamas and Pitakas, has been well received by the scholars for the valuabl ematerials and analytical dealings, in our country and abroad.
The second volume of the said treatise deals in language and literature. In view of the philological study of Pali and Prākrit as well as research of their literature, this volume is elaborate
The subtle analysis on these languages which carry the cream of Indian thoughts, indicate the high degree of scholarly disposition of the author
The third volume under publication, contains two parts. The first part is connected with many philosophical and ethical aspects that highlight the best traits of human beings, such as righteousness (dharma), truth, non-stealing, good conduct, simplicity, purity, kindness, penance, renunciation, softness, humility, selflessness, contentment, non possession, fraternity, universal brotherhood, equanimity, equality of living beings, control over sensuousness etc., by which man is really embellished.
Even though the Jaina and the Buddhist—both the traditions do not resemble one and the same entirely, either externally or inter
Jain Education International 2010_05
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