SOME VALUABLE BOOKS IN ARDHA-MAGADHI. Edited by Prof. K. V. Abhyankar, M. A.
Gujrat College, Ahmedabad. :
1 कर्मापुत्र चरित With notes and translation in
English and introduction in Sanskrit and English. (Prescribed as a text for the f. y. Arts Examination by the University of. Bombay ).
2 que foment with fayf by Tag. Edi
ted with notes translation and introduc tion in English (Text-book for the Intamediate Arts Examination ). 2-0-0
3 विंशतिविशिका by हरिभद्रसूरि with Sanskrit .: rendering and notes in English. ( text
book for the B. A. Examination ). 2-0-0
4 आचाराङ्गसूत्र with नियुक्ति by भद्रबाहु. with . notes in English
( in the Press).
Can be had of the Editor as also of the Samchalaka Prachina ( Jaina ) Sahityodhara Ģranthavali, Ahmedabad.