The last verse (117) in the Prthvi metre concludes the canto as well as the tale of Malayasundari who lives on in the hope of again being united with her lover some day.
Canto VII: The Termination of the Curse to Gandharvaka
The beginning of this canto again takes us back to Harivāhana, wco began his narrative (in TMS V. 9), when Samaraketu arrived after a very difficult time through the !orest.
In verses 1 to 9, Harivābana consoles Malayasundart with the assurance that he knew everything about her lover who was alive and cafe. The only thing which defied his understanding was how is he to be informed about his beloved's safety in the absence of anybody at hand who would carry his message. At that moment there arrived a parrot who promised--in human tongue--to carry out the work. Harivāhana dispatched a message which the parrot took away.
Verses 10-72 narrate that both Harivābana and Malayasundaul went to the punery where they performed their daily worship and had their lunch. Meanwhile Caturikā brought in a message from Tilakamañjari, who had called for Malayasundari as the former was not well. Caturikā further reported that Tilakamañjari had been roaming about the forest when she saw an elephant falling precipitately into the waters of the Adrşta pāra lake, and tbat the symptoms, of course, indicated that the ailment must have been due to something connected with love. Malayasundari conveyed her inability to go and meet her due to the arrival of a princely guest like Harivāhana. The news revived the hopes of the prince for whom then the night became unusually long. Next morning brought Tilakamañjarī herself to the temple, where Malayasundari introduced the prince to her and asked him to talk with her on the topics of artistic pursuits like painting etc. The prince, however, declined the request on the ground that he found unwillingness on the part of Tilakamañjarī, who did not care to respond to his greetings, and hence it would be proper to talk to her only when she sometimes happens to come to Ayodhyā on her way back from the pilgrimage of holy places. Tilakamañjari, on her part could not respond properly this time also, except that she offered him the "Tāmbūla' by her own hand and then left the place. But within a moment, back came a messenger from her with an invitation, for the prince and Malayasündari, to go to her palace at Ratbanūpuracakravāla. Malayasundari submitted at last to her insistence and joined Tilakamañjari, who left behind her whole retinue to fetch the prince at the head of a procession of the Vidyādharas.
Verses 73 to 111 take us, with the prince, to the city of Rathanūpuracakravāla where Tilakamañjari was eagerly awaiting his
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