Impact and Influence of
Sri Atmasiddhi
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| परमगुरू निर्मंथ सर्वज्ञदेव ।।
"Atma - the Self has been praised in Sri Atmasiddhi. There is no criticism of any religion in it. It is worth thinking upon by believers of all religions. We also should often contemplate upon it, if we intend to realise the Self. It contains the essence of the 14 'Poorvas'. We may be tremendously benefitted by thinking deeply over ittt according to our ability. Only the Gyanis - the Seersi can derive the deep mystery contained in it. It is to be followed after listening and understanding from some knowledgeable person. But it is our duty to strive and understand whatever meaning we can assimilate from it in our intellect. Therefore, if there? is a dialogue about Atmasiddhi with the followers off any religion and if he listens to it, he will certainly like to appreciate it. There are deep matters hidden in Atmasiddhi whichi should be acceptable to any intellectual. He who) claims to know more than that, does not know anything. He who finds fault with it, himself is attt fault. Rare would be a sage who can understand the essence of Sri Atmasiddhi in its totality."
- Prabhushri Laghurajji : "Updeshamrit"
pp. 1022
Sri Atmasiddhi - experiencing the ecstatic state attained through its musical
"I am extremely happy to know about the inner experience and the internal ecstatic state that youl attained while rendering for the recording of Sriil Atmasiddhi Shastra by Param Paramatma Swaroop) Purush (Srimad Rajchandraji)... I heard the record.. The effort has been very successful, indeed.. Listening to it will be a matter of immense obligation and joy to the mumukshu (seekers) brothers and sisters."
- Poojya Jawalba Modii (worthy daughter of Srimad Rajchandraji in a
letter to the Editor in 1974)
Jain Education International 2010_04
ala & Pen