Supreme Golden Summit
Sri Atmasiddhi
"Atmasiddhi is the supreme golden summit of philosophy and self-knowledge."
-Y. Y. Sri Sahajanandaghanji Sri Atmasiddhi -
The Atmopanishada "The present work of Srimad Rajchandra is well-known by name of "Atmasiddhi". I have described and named it hereabove as 'Atmopanishada!'. By reading Atmasiddhi and by contemplating on its meaning, one cannot help feeling that Srimad Rajchandra has perfectly revealed in this short work the complete significance of the soul." - Padmabhooshan Pragyachakshu
Dr. Pandit Sukhlalji: Sri Atmasiddhi - The Nectar of Earth
Creation of Atmasiddhi is nectar of this earth ... It has been created by living SelfRealised Siddha Purusha, who has realised and established objectively the Self.
- Dr. Bhagwandas M. Mehta
Sri Atmasiddhi - Infinite Powers of the Soul
"ATMASIDDHI -- immortal work expressive of infinite powers of the SOUL!"
-- Holy Mother of Hampi Atmagya Mataji
Sri Atmasiddhi - The Science of Self-Realisation
Publication of that Science of SelfRealisation ought to have been done long ago. In that poetic treatise having a format of a dialogue between an emancipated master and an enquiring student, is contained the essence of Indian Spirituality. It transcends the frontiers of both Jainism and Hinduism. It has a global content.
The scientific handling of the theme, the mathematical precision in the choice of words and the lucidity of style are simply enchanting.
--Vidushi Sushri Vimala Thakar
of Prvale Pat
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