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An analytical study of the traditional yantras and mantras and a comparative study with Haribhadrasuri's version can be attempted at. Bhaktamara can be studied purely from the yantra-mantra-tantra aspects. A study from sadhana-anubhuti aspects too can be taken up. Hermann Jacobi, S.D. Tripathi and others scholars have made literary
studies. Further studies in this respect can be taken up. 10. A new literature called 'Bhaktamara-Kathas' too is available. We find
references of it for the first time in the commentary of Gunakarasuri. The stories compiled by Brahmacari Rayamallji (a Digambara scholar) show the influence of Gunakaravrtti. Two Sanskrit works titled Navasmaran and Bhaktamara Rahasya published by Sarabhai Navab and Dhirajlal Shah respectively too have the stories. A comparative evaluation of these stories can be undertaken.
Bhaktamara mandir has come up first at Bharuch, and later on at Sikharji. New ones are coming up at Dhar-Madhyapradesh, Poona and Sankhesvara. The influence of Bhaktamara can be gauged from this.
It is high time that a Pitha was established to study and practise The Bhaktamara Stotra and mantra, yantra and tantra. Hence the Pitha will be a centre of Jnanavada, Bhaktivada and Mantravada. If any sadhu, sadhvi or sravaka is prepared to take up such a work I will be happy and am prepared to help and co-operate with them.
Good people are not less in this world. Many have given their time, effort and money. I bless Muniraj Nandiyas and Sadhvi Vacamyamasriji who not only inspired the dharmik sravakas to do their service to dharma by making this work see the light of the day but acted as catalyst for the completion of this work by their kind and compulsive querries. I bless the convenor, publishers, sadhus, sadhvis and philonthropic donors and those who co-operated, evinced a keen interest and devotion to make this venture possible.
At the end I bow down to the lotus like feet of Bhagavan Sri Adinatha and Acharya Sri Manatunga Surisvarji, as every morning I do before the chanting of The Bhaktamara Stotra. The present volume, "Bhaktamara Darshan" will lead me and all the devotees of Jinendra to salvation. Even though I have gone through all the pages with utmost care and attention, if any thing is found here written against the traditions of Mantra-YantraTantra-Sastras and Jinasasan knowingly or unknowingly I humbly sayMICCHAMI DUKKADAM.
Jainam Jayati Sasanam
Let victory be to the Commands of Jinas Mahavira Bhavan, Mysore (Karnataka) 2nd May 1997
Labdhi-Vikrama Guru Carana Renu
Vijay Raj yush sein.
Jain Education International 2016 04
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