Susruta has been adapted many a time as persons who did so, names of Vrddha-Vagbhata, Jejjata, Candrata and Nagarjuna. From the following we learn that Susruta is son of Visvamitra :
'विश्वामित्रसुतः श्रीमान् सुश्रुतः परिपृच्छति शालिहोत्रमृषिश्रेष्ठं सुश्रुतः परिपृच्छति'
Of these two the first seems in 'Susrutasamihita' itself. 'Susruta asks 'Satihotra' sage regarding a ferrier. Hence this Susruta' is believed to be a contemporary of great sages, By this Susrutasamihita' is meant the original Susruta, Adapted Susruta is posterior to adoptation of Caraka. This means that Caraka as available today and Susrutasamihita' had been compiled in the fifth century A, D.
According to Dallana, adaptor of this Susruta' is 'Nagarjuna'. There have been many 'Nagarjuna'. One of them is a Buddhist nihilist Another Nagarjuna is the author of Lohasastra, Yugasataka etc. and he is conversant with 'Rasasastra (the science of Alochemy). Third Nagarjuna is mentioned as a friend of King 'Sabavahana' by 'Bana' in his Harsacarita'. According like Jaina tradition in Prabandhacintamani Nagarjuna, a contemporary of Satavasana' is said to be a well versed.
Adaptation of Susruta has taken place in the science of alchemy. Sometime between the second century A. D. and the fourth. for there is a clearly perceived extract from Sasikhya. karika' in 'Susruta'. So how can Nagarjun who is a contemparary of Kaniska and on exponent of 'Nihilism' be the adapter? Some believe that even Caraka, a physician, was alive at that very time. King Satavahana' is called 'Yajnasti Satakarna'. Moreover, in Nagarjunas philosophical work Upayahrdaya composed 2000 years ago from to-day “Susruta is referred to as under, while expounding the topic of agama-varana' in a chapter following 'Uddesa ''prakarana :
"959FIS: Tha T2T: Ema: "
The author of Mahabhasya on grammar, has mentioned Sausruta ' as an illustration, in his bhasya on 1-1-3. In the varlika on "149f&are THUC717!
2-1-170. Kutapasansruta is mentioned as an illustration. Even Panini has used the word Sansrutaparthiva' in the ganapatha of 6-2-37. Hence Susruta is anterior to all these Acaryas,
Susruta Acarya 'has mentioned Subhuti Gautama as an Acarya who flourished prior to him. This Subhuti is not same as Subhuti pupil of Buddha. Subhuti is mentioned in Buddhist works while dealing wiih spiritualism only. This Subhuti Gautam, a physician is different from him. According to Dr. Hoarnle this Susruta flourished 600. years before the vikrama ere whereas according to Hyaster and Givindranath Mukhopadhyaya in 1000 B:C.
" तामेकावली तस्मान्नागार्जुनो नाम लेभे त्रिसमुद्राधिपतये शातवाहनाय नरेन्द्राय सुहदे स ददौ ताम्"
(Harshacarita ) Sisuka,' Satavahana (1) ruled with the help of an army having 100 vehicles. Hence he his dynasty is called Satavadharia.'
Jain Education International 2010_04
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