) 74
1 Worship of the Arihant
Tirthankar). 2. Worship of the Siddha (liberated
soul). 3. Faith in the discourses. 4. Worship of the teacher. 5. Worship of the senior ascetic. 6. Worship of the scholar 7. Worship of those who indulge in
penance. 8. Continued application of
knowledge for maximum possible
time. 9. Purity of perception. 10. To praise the virtues of others and
be happv at the progress of others. To practice the six essentials including Pratikraman (self analysis) in the prescribed way and at the prescribed time.
12. Observe all the vows and codes of
conducts with ever increasing
indulgence. 13. Detachment-always practice
apathy for attachment, fondness, conceit, and greed. Develop the
attitude of being detached. 14. To activate the potential or to
practice penance with all
intensity. 15. To give due importance and
respect to the four pronged
religious organisation. 16 To look after and take care of the
detached 47. To enhance knowledge regularly. 18. To have faith on the sermons of
the detached. 19. To give charity to the deserving. 20. Devotion for Tirthankar's sermon,
and the discipline of the order.
पदा सरोवर
In the eighth chapter of the Jnatasutra and in Avashyak Niryukti these twenty practices are mentioned. Intense practise of even one or two of these practices may lead to the earning of Tirthankar-nam-karma. In the Mahapuran and the Tattvarth Sutra their is a mention of sixteen practices of feelings or attitudes. These encompass all the above twenty practices. Importance has been given to spiritual practices in both these sets of practices.
रत्न राशि
निधूम अग्नि
परिशिष्ट .
Appendix 2
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। महावीर
Jain Education Internationar 2010_03
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