भगवान पार्श्वनाथ के निर्वाण तथा भगवान महावीर के धर्म प्रवर्तन काल के मध्य लगभग २५० वर्ष का अन्तराल माना जाता है। इस काल अवधि में भगवान पार्श्वनाथ की परम्परा में चार प्रमुख पट्टधर प्रभावशाली आचार्य होने का उल्लेख मिलता है
१. गणधर शुभदत्त (शुम्भ) २. आर्य हरिदत्त ३. आचार्य समुद्र सूरि ४. आर्य केशी श्रमण
आर्य केशी श्रमण का समय भगवान पार्श्वनाथ के निर्वाण के १६६ से २५० वर्ष तक का माना जाता है। आप बड़े ही प्रभावशाली आचार्य थे, श्वेताम्बिका के राजा प्रदेशी को आपने ही अपनी अद्भुत प्रभावशाली वाणी द्वारा प्रतिबोधित कर कट्टर नास्तिक से परम आस्तिक जिन भक्त श्रावक बनाया। केशी कुमार श्रमण | के विशाल धर्म संघ में ५००-५00 साधुओं के नौ समूह तेलंग, कोंकण, महाराष्ट्र आदि सुदूर देशों में विचरते थे, तथा वे स्वयं एक हजार साधुओं के साथ मगध प्रदेश में विहार करते थे।
पद्म सरोवर
Bhagavan Parshvanath was born about 380 years before the Nirvana of Bhagavan Mahavir or in the 10th century B.C. ]
(Past-Incarnation .
Like other Tirthankars, important events of earlier incarnations of the being that became Bhagavan Parshvanath are available in Jain scriptures. Study of these incidents reveals that amnesty and compassion played a major part in his life and progress toward purity of soul. In every incarnation his rival, Kamath, continued to torture him and he continued to forgive and forget. ] Kamath and Marubhuti
The soul that was to be Bhagavan Parshvanath was inspired to take the direction of purity in its birth as Marubhuti. He was born to the wife of Purohit Vishvabhuti living in Potanpur city. His elder brother was Kamath. As Kamath was cruel, conceited, and a debauch, in spite of being the elder son it was Marubhuti who succeeded his father on the post of Rajpurohit (the director of ritual ceremonies of the king and state). Attracted toward the beautiful wife of Marubhuti, Vasundhara, Kamath seduced her. When Kamath's wife came to know about the affair, she tried to dissuade him in vain and told Marubhuti about it. Marubhuti made a secret enquiry and conveyed every thing in detail to १. जैन धर्म का मौलिक इतिहास, भाग १, पृष्ठ ५२२.
निधूम अग्नि
भगवान पार्श्वनाथ
( ९५ )
Bhagavan Parshvanath
2) मुनिसुव्रत
Jain Education International 2010_03
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