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## **Book Title:**
## **Author:**
**Pū.Ā. Śrīvīrabhadragaṇimaharājaḥ**
## **Description:**
with **Vṛtti**, **Avacūridvaya**, **Bālāvabodha**, **Bhāvanuvāda**, and **Pariśiṣṭa**
## **Commentators:**
1. **Pū.Ā. Śrībhuvanatuṅgasūrayaḥ**
2. **Pū.Ā. Śrīsomasundarasūrayaḥ**
3. **Pū.Ā. Śrīguṇaratnasūrayaḥ**
## **Editors and Revisers:**
**Pū.Ā. Śrīmadvijayakīrtiyaśasūriśvarāḥ**
## **Publisher:**
**Sanmārgaprakāśanam, Ahmedabad**
## **Edition:**
**First - Vi.Sa. 2066, Vi.Sa. 2536, E.Sa. 2010**
## **Pages:**
## **Price:**
## **ISBN:**
## **Notice:**
**This book is printed with the expense of Jñānaniḍhi, therefore, the entire price should be paid to the Jñānaniḍhi to claim ownership of this book. Householders should read this book after paying a suitable fee (not a donation).**
**- Sanmārgaprakāśanam**
## **Notice:**
**The right to read and teach this Āgama is only for Śramaṇas who have attained the Yoga of the main Vṛtti and have received the permission of their Guru. According to the secondary Vṛtti, the four-fold Saṅgha, due to the excellence of this book in achieving the highest Samadhi, can also read and teach this book after performing the Ācāmlatrika-karaṇa.**
**- library.org**