संदर्भ ग्रंथ सूचि
३१७ पत्र-पत्रिकाएँ श्री अमर भारती - सन्मति ज्ञानपीठ- आगरा जैन सत्य प्रकाश - महावीर निर्वाण विशेषांक श्रमणोपासक - रागडी मोहल्ला , बीकानेर जिनवाणि सामायिक अंग - जिनवाणि कार्यालय, लालभवन, चोडारास्ता, जयपुर . जैन प्रकाश - १२लेडी हार्डिग रोड, नई दिल्ली सूक्ति त्रिवेणी - श्री अमरमुनि सन्मति ज्ञानपीठ, आगरा
ॐ ॐ
Reference Books in English
A critical Survey of Indian Philosphy
By C.D. Sharma Ethics for today
By Herald. H. Titus. Ethical Philosophy of India
___I.C. Sharma Historical introduction to the Indian Schools of Buddhism.
By. Vidhushekhava Bhattacharya. Jain theory of Realism and Knowledge
By V.G. Padmarajay Three lectures on Vedanta Philosophy
By Maxmuller. Jain Theory of Realism and Knowledge
___By V.G. Padmavajay The Nature of Self.
___By A.C. Mukherjee The Bhagwat Gita and changing world.
By Nagrajrao The Bhudhist Philosophy of Universal flux
____By S. Mukherjee. wisdom in Conduct
By C.B. Garnet. Studies in Jain Philosophy.
By Nathmal Tatia
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