RITTHANEMICARIU * The 112 Sandhis of the Ritthaņemicariu, containing a grand total of 1937 Kadavakas, are distributed over four Kāņdas: Yādava (13), Kuru (19), Yuddha (60), Uttara (20). All the 112 Sandhis of the Riţthaņemicariu (further here shortened as Rc.) are not Svayambhū's work. After the completion of the ninetyninth Sandhi, the composition was intercepted by his death. His son Tribhuvana undertook to complete the work and composed the rest, viz., the portion covered by the Sandhis 100 to 112. Further, in the fifteenth century one Yasahkīrti Bhattāraka filled up a few gaps possibly due to missing folios on the MSS. of Rc. then available ) he found in the portion covered by the Sandhis 105 to 112. These interpolations (or substitutions) probably did not extend beyond a limited number of Kadavakas. Definite information on this point, however, can be derived only from a critical study of the text.
The Rc. is unpublished so far. The present account is based on two MSS : 1. MS. No. 1117 of 1891-95 from the Government MSS. collection at the
Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute, Poona dated V. S. 1582. 2. A MS, from the Ailaka Pannalal Sarasvati Bhandar collection, Bombay,
dated V.S. 1991; this being a recent copy of an older MS. dated V. s. 1582, Only an outline analysis is prepared for the present purpose. Individual details about these metres and especially the exact scheme of the tentatively identified Ghattās from the eight rehandled Sandhis can be derived only from a critical text.
Information about all the metres of the Ritthaņemicariu, employed in the three sections of the Kadavaka, viz., the opening piece, the Yamakas or the main body and the Ghattā or the closing piece is tabulated below in that order.
I. METRES OF THE KADAVAKA-OPENING PIECE. No. Name Occurs in No. of Moras Gana- Rhyme- Type Class
Sandhi per Pāda Scheme scheme 1. Helā 17,31,60,103 22 6+u'uu u + 4 a/b Samā Dvipadi Khañjaka
+u'uu u + -- 2. Dvipadi 43,74,88,105
6+u'uuu+4 " (Pk. Duvai)
u'uu u + - 3. Aranāla 37 30 6+ u’uu u + - a/b with Samā
12 + u,'uuu + - internal Dvipadi Khañjaka /2+u,' uu u + rhyme
before the cæsura 4. Mātră-cum- 62 Odd Pädas 1. Päda of
Dvibhangi Mañjari of Mātrā: 15 Mātrā:
of a Sirsaka Even 5+5+ 4+1;
Pañca padi and a Pādas of 3&5 Pādas of cje, f/8 Samā Dvipadi Mātrā: 11 Mātrā: 5+5+
* Reprinted with appropriate changes from Bharatiya Vidya, 18, 1-2, 1960, pp. 86-94.
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