Lakşmaņa. As the aerial car fetching her approached Lankā, the sakti left Laksmana and fled with a promise never to return. Višalyā's ablution waters revived and healed the whole of Rāma's army. Lakşmaņa's marriage with Višalyā.
Sandhi LXX. Rāvana Seeks Conciliation, but in vain.
On learning the news of Lakşmana's revival Mandodarī pressed Rāvaņa to compromise with Rāma. Ministers supported her proposal. Rāvaņa sent an envoy to Rāma with the offer of his abdication in lieu of Rāma's agreeing to give up Sītā. The offer was rejected. The envoy boasting about Răvaņa's strength was thrown out. Shaken by the report of Rāma's invincibility Răvaņa engaged himself in acquiring thu magic power Buhurūpiņā. He undertook an eight-days' meditation and ordered intensive religious activities thoughout Laňkā on the occasion of the Nandīśvara festival.
Sandhi LXXI. The Nandiśvara Festival. Anga and
Angada Undertake to Disturb Rāvana's Meditation. . The spring described. Rāvana followed by the people went to the Sāntinātha temple. Description of the worship. He sat in meditation for the acquisition of Bahurūpiņi. On receiving the news, Anga and Angada at the head of a battalion, entered Lankā, threatening and wrecking. An army of Yakşas, however, attacked them and pursued them in their retreat to Rāma's camp. Rāma denounced the Yakşas for supporting immoral acts of Rāvaņa. They apologized. Sandhi LXXII. Rāvana's Acquisition of the Magic
Power Bah Anga, Angada and other chiefs reentered Lankā. Description of the glory of Lankā, of Rāvaņa's palace, queens. The chiefs harassed the meditating Rāvaņa and molested the queens. Queens' piteous appeals for protection failed to disturb Rāvana's concentration. Thereupon Bahurūpiņi was mastered. Rāvana consoled the queens and promised to avenge them.
Sandhi LXXIII. Rāvana's Change of Heart." Description of Rāvana's luxurious bath, dinner. He visited Sītā and tried to persuade her to accept him. Sitā's firm refusal and swooning caused a change of heart in him. He decided to return Sītā to Rāma the next day immediately after he achieved victory over him.
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