Sandhi LXII. High Morale of Rāvaņas Generals.
Jāmbūvat reassembled Rāma's forces to form the impenetrable Lion Array ( siṁha-vyūha). Rāvana on his secret nightly inspection got a glimpse of the high morale of his loyal generals, whom he honoured with presents.
Sandhi LXIII. The Second Day's Engagements.
The next day hostilities were resumed. Santāpana, Prathita, Ākrosa, Durita and Vighna from Rāma's side fell.fighting. At the day's end Rāvaņa's side rejoiced. Rāma's side smarted under the setback.
Sandhi LXIV-LXV. The Third Day's Engagements.
Fighting between Śārdūla and Vajrodara, Bāhubali (and later Vijaya and Svayambhū) and Simhadamana, Samkrodha and Khavicārin, Vilāpin and Vidhi; Viśālatejas and, Sambhu, Hanumat and Mālin (and later, Vajrodara, Jambūmālin and Mahodara ) - the former from Rāma's side, the latter from Rāvana's. Eventually Hanumat was surrounded all at once by a host of Rāvana's warriors.
Single-handed Hanumat repulsed their attack. Jāmbūvat and others rushed to his help. Kumbhakarna came out to counter their onslaught. He spread a reign of terror. All the chief warriors of Rāma fell upon him in concert. But with a magic missile, he put all the hostile forces to sleep. Sugrīva countered it with its anti-missile. Thereafter Vajraņās, Ghanavāhana and Indrajit respectively engaged Virādhita, Bhāmandala and Sugrīva. The latter two were discomfited. Fettered by means of the Serpent-Missile, they were captured alive. Kumbhakarna caught Hanumat, but Angada fell upon him and removed his clothes. Hanumat escaped. Vibhīşaņa informed Rāma about the capture of Sugrīva and Bhāmandala. Rāma used GarudaVidyā and effected their release. Sandhi LXVI. The Fourth Day's Battle : Lakşmaņa
Struck with Sakti. Nala and Nila pressed hard on the enemy ranks. Each one from both the sides sought out his match and got engaged with him. Rāvana was engaged by Vibhīşaņa. Lakşmaņa caught Indrajit, while Rāma captured Kumbhakarņa. Finding himself in great difficulty, Rāvaņa threw a powerful Sakti on to Vibhīşaņa, but Lakşmaņa intervened, and was struck senseless. For Private & Personal Use Only
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