In fine, I offer my congratulations to my dear pupil and colleague Prof. H. C. Bhayani for bringing a long and arduous task to a successful end. He has fulfilled his assignment with creditable devotion and patience. Aside from preparing an authentic text of the epic, he has studied critically and exhaustively, several of its important aspects. Vastness of the work and considerations of time and space inevitably imposed limits on the number and extent of the aspects he studied, but even then in his introductions and glossaries to the different parts of the Paumacariu much valuable information has been extracted and systematically presented. In several ways he has specialized in Apabhram a studies and through his distinguished contributions to Middle Indo-Aryan and especially Apabhramśa scholarship he has earned a creditable status for himself. I could not but say these few words even at the cost of repeating what I said in my Foreword to the First Part. His keen and ever-ready cooperation has made it possible to present Paumacariu to the public in a form consistent with the scholarly standards of the Singhi Jain Series. My good wishes are always with him in all his prospective scholarly undertakings, and I pray that he may have a long and active life so that the scholarly world may see numerous such research works accomplished at his hands.
The Ministry of Scientific Research and Cultural Affairs, Government of India, have contributed a share towards the cost of publication of this work. We are thankful to them for this appreciation of the work of the Singhi Jain Series and the Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan.
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