used to study Persian books in the company of the Emperor's grandsons and recite them every morning in the presence of the 'Sahi'. We know that Jagannatha also had studied Persian.1
There is one very important event in S.'s life referred to in the beginning, to which attention should now be drawn.
After Akbar S. became a favourite of Jahangir also. That jovial and pleasure-loving Emperor did not like the idea that this young man with a good physique should pass an ascetic life of austerity, and so asked him to be in the company of fine young women and enjoy life. This episode has been narrated with great embellishment by S. Jahangir is reported to have asked him
“सौख्यं विषयिकं त्यक्त्वा किमात्मा तपसेऽर्पितः । ( श्लो. २३९ )
to which S. replies
नवे वयसि या दीक्षा नैव हास्याय सा सताम् ।
हि पीयूष पानेऽपि प्रस्तावः प्रेक्ष्यते बुधैः ॥ ( श्लो. २४० )
and so forth. Jahangir is not so easily convinced and further argues with him. S. at this point describes him as drunk : कृतकादम्बरीपान विघूर्णितविलोचनः (श्लो. २४८ ) - a realistic touch. S. puts more cogent arguments for his conviction and the emperor listens to him with interest. With the emperor there is Nurjahan' who is very sceptical about the
See.13. Jagannatha Pandita by V. A. Ramaswami Sastri. Annamalinagar.
S. describes the beauty of Nurjahan whom he refers to as Nuramahallawhich may be quoted here as a rare description of that great beauty by a Sanksrit writer.
मञ्जरी रूपवृक्षस्य पुष्पेषोरिव कामिनी । प्रभा सौभाग्यरत्नस्य लक्ष्मीर्लावण्यवारिधेः ॥ २५९ तदग्रमहिषी नूरमहल्लास्तेऽतिवल्लभा । जितं भासेव वक्त्रेन्दोर्नासीद्यस्याः स्मितं बहिः ॥ २६० अङ्गुलिपल्लवोल्लास नखांशुकुसुमाञ्चितम् । असेवि भूपदृग्भङ्गैर्यस्या बाहुलनायुगम् ॥ २६१ युग्मम् । काञ्चीपट्टी नितम्बेऽस्ति मदधःस्थेऽपि नो मयि । इतीव दुःखतस्तस्या मध्यदेशः कृशोऽभवत् ।। २६२ अमितः शोभते यस्याः श्यामला कुन्तलावलिः । विधुभ्रमेण वक्त्रस्य रजनीवानुचारिणी ॥ २६३ वीज्यमानस्य विश्वेन लोचनाञ्चलचामरैः । यत्कण्ठो मुखराजस्य वेत्रासनमिवेक्ष्यते ॥ २६४ भानुमीयमाना या विपंची मधुरस्वरैः । मुक्तावलीव भारत्या यन्मुखे दशनावली ॥ २६५ अब्ज एव क्रमौ यस्या न हंसो यदसेवत । गतिनिर्जयलज्जैव जानीमस्तत्र कारणम् ॥ २६६ इत्यस्याः सकले गात्रे महान् दोषोऽयमेव हि । अपि वर्षशतैस्तृप्तिः पश्यतः कस्यचिन्नहि ॥ २५७ सत्यप्यन्तःपुरे तस्यां रेमे क्ष्मापतिमानसम् । लक्ष्ये नक्षत्रलक्षेऽपि चक्षुश्चन्द्रतनौ व्रजेत् ॥ २६८
S. refers to Nurjahan as Nurmahalla. Does this mean that before this was written she was not named Nurjahan? A man so familiar with Jahangir and his court can be expected to know the latest news. If this is so we can say that the B.C. or at least this particular part, must have been composed before 1616 A. D. as Nurmahal was named Nurjahan in that year. See pp. 317-18 Tuzūk-I--Jahangiri, translated into English by Rogers and Beveridge R. A. S. London, 1909. I am indebted to my friend Sri. Ratnamanirao B. Jhote and Dr. C. R. Nayak for finding out this reference for me from T-I-J.
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