Amaral. Amaraciandra mentions in his Kavikalpalatā one more work of Arisimha, Kavitārahasya Amarchandra calls Arisimha in the Sukstasankirtana as an able disputant. .
• Analysis of the work - The first canto gives the genealogy of the Chäpotkața kings. Of Vanarāja it is said that he founded the city of Anahilla Pattana and that he erected there the temple of Pānchāsara Pārsvanātha.
After him Yogarāja, Ratnāditya, Vairisimha, Kshemarāja, Chāmunda, Rāhada & Bhūbhata successively ruled over Gujarat. This list of Chāvdā kings is identical with that given in the Sukstakirtikallolini of Udayaprabha. In view of the concurrence of these two authorities, the statement in Krishnāji's Ratnamālā, which is not so old as is believed, is unreliable.
The second canto describes the reigns of the Chaulukya kings. Mūlrāja's pilgrimage to Someśvara every Monday is also mentioned in Bālachandra's Vasantavilāsa. The fourth verse refers to his erection of Tripurusha Prāsāda in Ananillavāda. Mūlaraja defeated Bārapa, the general of the king of Kānyakubja, and Laksha, king of Cutch. Vallabharāja's victory over the king of Mālvā is celebrated in verse 13th. He had the biruda of Jagajzampana. This biruda is found in the Kumāra pālapratibodha, Kirtikaumudi, Sukstakirtikallolini and Vasantavilāsa. Durlabharāja was very modest and was ashamed when his court poets compared him to Krishna. Bhima defeated Bhoja of Dhārā. Karna conquered the king of Mālvă and brought home from there an image of Nilakantha Siva, Jayasimha conquered Barbaraka and took prisoner Yasovarma, king of Dhārā. He had the tank called Siddhasaras dug and a high pillar of victory built. Jayasimha was very devotional towards his mother. Kumārapāla abolished the confiscation of the property of tradesmen dying without male heirs and caused Jaina temples to be built in every city. He conquered the king of Jāngla, Arņorāja of Sākambhari, and his general Ambada who was a Bania, defeated and killed the Kadamba king Mallika Arjuna of the Konkaņa, This victory of Ambada is coroborated by Bălchandra in his Vasantavilāsa. Ajayadeva generally called Ajayapāla got from the king of Śāmbhara a golden Mandapikā. Mūlarāja II, though a child, defeated the Turushkas, Mahamad Sahabuddin Ghori. Bhimadeva II was very charitable and extravagant. His kingdom was being devoured by his powerful Mandalesas, whom he was unable to control. Bhīma was thus filled with anxiety about the fate of his kingom. One night a glorious and splendid god, the spirit of his grandfather Kumārapāla, appeared to him in a dream and said that in order to restore order and to prevent dismemberment of the kingdom and to save the Jain faith, which was almost sinking, he should make Layaņaprasāda, son of Arņorāja, son of Dhavala, to whom he had given the principality of Bhimapalli, his Sarvesvara and make his son Viradhavala his Yuvarāja. Viradhavala then requested king Bhima to give him good counsellors. Bhima said that there served in this realm, Chandapa fiery in splendour, of the Porvāda lineage. His son was Chandaprasāda. His son Soma, who served under Jayasimha, acknowledged no master but king Siddharāja
(1) सारस्वतामृतमहार्णवपूर्णिमेन्दोमत्वाऽरिसिंहसुकवेः कवितारहस्यम् । , किश्चिच्च तद्रचितमात्मकृतं च किञ्चिद् व्याख्यास्यते त्वरितकाव्यकृत्रेऽत्र सूत्रम् ॥
काव्यकल्पलतावृत्ति -1 ।
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