He answered : Om.' Then the king said : Recite something suitable to the occasion'. Thereupon Arisimha recited four verses in which he praised Visaladeva's sword. The prince was so charmed that he bestowed a permanent appointment and a high salary upon the poet. Soon aftetwards the salary was doubled because he sang “in a masterly manner of a blade of grass which the king held in his hand.
Like the records of most of the Prabandhas, this one also contains, besides what is undoubtedly correct, much that is not so. In the first place it is true that Amarachandra wrote a work called Padmānanda. Peterson found it and bought it for the Bombay Government (see First Report, p. 126, No. 285 ). From the extracts given there from the Cambay Library MS., it appears that it bears also the title Jinendracharita and is a Mahākāvya, containing 12 Sargas (cf. also Peterson, loc. cit. P 58 ).
The statement, then, that Arisimha was the teacher of Amarachandra in the fine arts agrees with the contents of the above second verse of the Kāvyakal palatā. The reverential way in which Amarachandra expresses himself in his verses about Arisimha speaks for the same thing :- .
I. 45. -"Arisimha, a lion for his elephant-like opponents, composed this work, which like the glances of the ever-gracious Vastupāla, dispenses rivers of nectar.”
VIII. 48. — “ This work, a flood of beams from the moon of the face of Lavanyasimha's son, which draws off the swarms of bees from these waterlilies, the faces of the unworthy, produces, mighty waves in the milk-ocean of fame of the excellent minister and prince Vastupāla."
Only a pupil speaking of his teacher, or a client of his patron, would express himself thus. . On the other hand, the Prabandha is incorrect in stating that Amarapandita and, through him, Arisimha came to the court of Dholkā only during the reign of Visaladeva, circa Vikrama-Samvat 1296 to 1318. For soon after Visaladeya's accession Vastupāla lost his high position and died, as Narachandra had prophesied, in the Vikrama year 1298.2 From the Sukritasamkiriana it is apparent, however, that it was written when the minister was in the zenith of his power. This is proved, for instance, by two verses at the end of the first and second cantos:
I. 42. - Daily, illustrious prince of the council, Vastupāla, the Brāhmaṇas cry blessings on you: “Long may you live!”--the bard princes : “ May you attain the age of Brahmă !”- and noble women : "May you never grow old and be immortal!" But I will also say something : "May you rejoice in your life as long as your far-reaching fame dances in the sky."
II. 52—" Heavenly ( wishing ) cow, ( paradise) trees, wish-fulfilling ) precious stones! Why hide ye yourselves in the tottering rocks of the divine mountain
1. The swarms of bees are the admirers, who formerly hung upon the lips of the bad poets, but now turn to Arisimha.
2. Kirtikaumudi, pp. xviii-xix; prabandhakosha, p. 288 :- Sri Vastupalo jvarāruglešena poditastejahpalath sputrapautranit svaputracha jayantasimhabhäshata.
Vatsah Sri Narachandrasūribhirmaladhāribhih 1987 varshe Bhadrapada Badi 10 dine divagamanasanaye vayamuktah.
Mantrin 1268 suargarohanam bhavishyati. 1
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