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सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र ती
The title of this chapter Asankhayam (Sanskrit transcription-Asamskrit) is based on the first word of the first verse. This name finds mention in Samavayanga Sutra. It means, that which cannot be welded; that which cannot be joined once broken; that which is irreparable.
Niryukti mentions its thematic name as Pramaadaa-pramaada (Stupor and Nonstupor). German scholar Dr. Herman Jacobi has also accepted this title in his English translation...
The preceding chapter dealt with the four essentials for attaining emancipation. First of them was manhood.
But the human life-span is not long, it is of a very short duration; at which moment of time the weak thread of life may break is, indeed, uncertain. In fact the life of a human-being is like such a weak string that cannot be rejoined once it is broken.
Therefore, in this chapter man has been advised to get rid of stupor on getting this irreparable life. He should not waste his life due to carelessness but make good use of every second
The whole chapter discusses stupor and non-stupor in detail.
It establishes that none of the friends and family members including brothers, wife and son, for whom a person indulges in sinful deeds, shares the sufferings of the consequences. He alone has to bear the fruits of the karmas so bonded. This is because karmic bondage is a reality and there is no escaping them without suffering.
At the time of death mundane grandeur including wealth cannot save a man. He is bound to go leaving all assets here.
This chapter also reveals the worthlessness of the false beliefs and doctrines prevalent during that period.
Discerning between stupor and non-stupor, this chapter explains the fundamentals of non-stupor in very inspiring style.
There are only 13 verses in this chapter.