सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Jafryt 37
[ 498 ]
The title of this chapter is Anagara-Marg-Gati or Endeavour on the Path of HomelessAsceticism. Its theme is-how an ascetic may endeavour to move fast on his chosen path of liberation ?
In the twenty-eighth chapter of this work, Endeavour on the Path of Liberation, the stated path is the four limbed path of right knowledge-faith-conduct-austerity.
However, the practice of three jewels (right knowledge-faith-conduct) or fourföld path (right knowledge-faith-conduct-austerity) is same for both a householder and a homeless ascetic.
Householder also possesses righteousness (samyaktva) and gains right knowledge as well by reading scriptures or listening to discourses by ascetics. He also practices right conduct, may be partially, by observing householder's vows including non-violence and also observes austerities including fasting, limited food intake and self-study. .
But there is a basic difference of slow and rapid approach, partial and complete observation of codes, in the practices of a householder and a homeless ascetic. Although both of them move in the direction of attaining liberation, the speed of a householder is slow while that of an ascetic is fast.
There are reasons for this slow speed of a householder-company, circumstances, fondness for family members, responsibility to perform social and family duties, earning livelihood, acquiring, accumulating and hoarding wealth and possessions and inability of complete abstinence from violence due to worldly needs including arranging for and cooking food.
But as the homeless ascetic is free from all these, his speed in the direction of attaining liberation is faster.
Generally speaking, one who renounces household is regarded as an ascetic. But just renouncing household is not enough to become an ascetic; there are other essentials for him to perform.
First of all, he should renounce the affection, attachment and infatuation for home, family, and all what he has renounced. It is mandatory for him to break all social and worldly connections.
After that come the essentials like abandoning of all sources of inflow of demerits, employing discretion about bed and lodge, abandoning all sinful activities, develop apathy for taste and practice of ascetic code for life.
All these sentiments practiced by him accelerate his speed and inspire attitude of absolute renunciation leading to faster attainment of liberation.
Some important points regarding ascetic code have been discussed in this chapter. The result of right and proper following of these points is said to be attaining liberation.
This chapter has 21 verses.