[477] reftat rezera
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Verse 18-The four cardinal directions, zenith and nadir are the six directions. The karmic particles existing in the surrounding space, where the soul dwells, stick to it due to the adhesive property of feelings of attachment and the like. The karmic particles of other areas never come and stick to that soul.
The karmic particles from diagonal directions also stick to souls but as these are included in the cardinal directions, they are not mentioned separately.
This rule about karmic bondage from six directions is in context of two to five-sensed living beings. As regards one-sensed beings there are mentions of three, four, five and some times six directions.
All the karmas including knowledge obscuring are bound to all the innumerable sections of soul and not to some specific sections. The sections of soul are only imaginary they are not clusters that can be separated like particles of matter.
Verse 19-20-Here the minimum duration of emotion evoking karma is mentioned as one Antarmuhurt while at other places it is mentioned as 12 Muhurt. The commentators say-'What is the purport of this, we do not know.'
(Uttaraadhyayana Sutra by Sadhvi Chandana ji)