[17] ferite semper
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Classification of Afflictions. In present context affliction specifies those that are endured with equanimity without drifting from the accepted path of liberation.
The preceding chapter, Vinaya Shrut, inspires the practicing disciple to observe modesty, discipline, right conduct and other codes. An aspirant mature in modesty automatically becomes disciplined, at the same time he is infused with virtues patience, sobriety and courage. He becomes fearless, doubt-free and pain-enduring.
These qualities make him a victor of afflictions.
Afflictions are the torments caused by hostile circumstances, weather conditions, human beings, divine beings, animals and such like. The root cause of all these is the karmic bondage acquired by the aspirant in the past but the apparent causes are the said circumstances etc.
The aspirant neither invites troubles, nor does he torment his own body and sense organs, or tolerate afflictions helplessly. They come about on their own but an aspirant endowed with strong will power is not oppressed or defeated; he is neither distressed nor dejected; instead, he endures them with equanimity.
Afflictions are favourable as well as unfavourable. They are also called cool and warm afflictions. . This chapter has description of 22 afflictions, of these woman and hospitality related afflictions are favourable or cool (apparently pleasant but harmful) and the remaining 20 afflictions are unfavourable or warm (apparently unpleasant, also harmful).
Endurance for these favourable and unfavourable afflictions with equanimity is the yardstick of the profoundness of the spiritual practices of an aspirant as well as that of the strength of his resolve to tred the spiritual path leading to liberation.
The root causes of the 22 afflictions are as follows-intellect and ignorance related afflictions are caused by the knowledge obscuring karma (Jnanavaraniya karma); non-gain related afflictions are caused by power hindering karma (Antaraya karma); spiritual apathy, nakedness, woman, resting place, begging, anger, hospitality and award related afflictions are caused by conduct deluding karma (Chaaritra Mohaniya karma); perception/faith related afflictions are caused by perception/faith deluding karma (Darshan Mohaniya karma); and all other afflictions are caused by pain or pleasure imparting karma (Vedaniya karma).
Scholars of Jain canons opine that this chapter has been excerpted from the 17th section of Karmapravaada purva (one of the 14 extinct subtle canons).
This chapter presents thorough description of the praxis of a disciplined ascetic in context of afflictions.
This chapter contains 3 maxims and 46 verses.