सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
Jaafaiet 378274
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Twenty-eight Prakalp
For this see twenty-five chapters of Achaar-Prakalp or Acharanga Sutra and three chapters of Nishitha Sutra.
Twenty-nine sinful scriptures
24 Books of text (Sutra), commentary (Vritti) and elaboration (Vartik) of the following eight books of subjects of augury-(1) Bhauma (predictions based on earthquake and other natural calamities), (2) Utpaata (interpreting red rain, reddening of horizon in all directions etc.), (3) Svapna Shastra (dream divining), (4) Anatariksha (divining based on strange events in the sky including comets), (5) Anga Shastra (interpreting throbbing or other unusual activities of the body), (6) Svar Shastra (divining based on breath movement), (7) Vyanjan Shastra (interpreting body marks like moles, and (8) Lakshan Shastra (interpreting physical attributes of man and woman).
(25) Vikathaanuyoga-books describing methods of enhancing economic and sexual prowess, like Kamasutra of Vatsyayana, (26) Vidyanuyoga-scriptures describing the practices for attaining special powers like Rohini etc., (27) Mantranuyoga-books detailing success through mantra chànting, (28) Yoganuyoga-scriptures dealing with methods of subjugating people, like hypnotism, mesmerism and the like, (29) Anyatirthikanuyoga-heretic scriptures promoting code of violence.
Thirty sources of intense delusion or causes of bondage of intensely deluding karmas (Mahamohaniya karma)
For these see Dashashrutaskandha Sutra and Samavayanga Sutra.. Thirty-one unique virtues of the perfected ones (Siddhas) For these see Samavayanga Sutra, 31. Thirty-two kinds of noble associations (yoga samgraha)Counting together of associations of mind, speech, body is yoga samgraha, they are -
(1) To criticize own faults before seniors, (2) Not to share confession of faults by others with anyone, (3) To remain steady in conduct even when in trouble, (4) To observe austerity without any mundane desires, (5) To practise study of religion (understanding text and meaning) and that of praxis (inspection etc.), (6) To avoid embellishments, (7) To observe austerities without publicity and desire for respect and honour, (8) To renounce greed, (9) Tolerance, (10) Simplicity, (11) Purity of restraint and truth, (12) Purity of righteousness, (13) Attitude of happiness, (14) To avoid deceit in practicing conduct, (15) Modesty, (16) Patience, (17) Craving for liberation and fear of mundane pleasures, (18) To avoid deceit, (19) To perform noble deeds, (20) To block inflow of karmas, (21) Mending faults, (22) Cultivate apathy for pleasures and comforts, (23) Immaculate practice of basic virtues (great vows), (24) Immaculate practise of secondary virtues (uttara guna), (25) To practice dissociation, (26) To avoid stupor, (27) To be alert and careful every moment in ascetic life, (28) Noble meditation, (29) To remain composed even in face of death-like affliction, (30) To renounce company, (31) To accept expiation, (32) To be true aspirant by accepting ultimate vow (samlekhana) when the end is near. (Samavayanga Sutra, 32) .
Thirty-three types of transgressions (ashaatana)
For these see Dashashrutaskandha, 3; Samavayanga Sutra, 33; and Shraman Sutra by Upadhyaya Shri Amar Muni.