[421 ] Tahfist 378zleta
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Charan-vidhi or Mode of Conduct. Charan-vidhi means modus operandi of conduct (chaaritra). To know, understand and sincerely accept the code of conduct and then to act accordingly is Charan-vidhi.
This chapter is numerically oriented. Like Sthananga and Samavayanga Sutras this chapter uses numbers as classifying instruments. Various facets/virtues of ascetic-conduct have been described in numerical arrangement from one to thirty-three. Though some topics are related to knowledge but conduct gets the importance.
Conduct is like backbone for ascetics (male and female both). For this reason, this chapter describes the process of selecting activities promoting codes of conduct and virtues by aspirant by categorizing as meant for rejecting, knowing and following.
The beginning of following conduct is through restrain alone. Therefore avoiding indiscipline and indulging in restraint is the mode of conduct. Right indulgence ultimately leads to non-indulgence.
Five great vows, five circumspections, three restraints, ten fold ascetic religion, right austerities, victory over passions, all these are parts of conduct.
In this chapter the aspirant is warned at every step that once advancing on the path of restraint he should not retract. With this view he has been inspired to keep an eye on and protect himself from obstacles including attachment-aversion, transgression, ignoble soul-complexion (leshya), passions, five evil activities, non-serenity, great faults and intense obsession.
Basically the emphasis is on the message of avoiding indiscipline and practising restraint. But the aspirant may not fill his bag with thorns of faults along with the flowers of virtues; the faults have also been pointed out and elaborated.
Aspirant should remain away from attachment inducing indulgences. He should not allow anything to disturb his mind and avoid the causes of inflow of karmas. He should be serenely introvert and avoid transgressions in the code.
In brief an aspirant should always avoid ignoble indulgences and exert in noble indulgences.
This is the message and inspiring theme of this chapter. In the end the culmination of this mode of conduct is said to be in gaining liberation. The chapter has 21 verses.