[417] त्रिंश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र in
(१०) पारंचिकाई-भयंकर दोष लगने पर काफी समय तक भर्त्सना एवं अवहेलना करने के अनन्तर नई दीक्षा देना। (स्थानांग १०) ___ गाथा ३३-वैयावृत्य तप के दस प्रकार हैं-(१) आचार्य, (२) उपाध्याय, (३) स्थविर-वृद्ध गुरुजन, (४) तपस्वी, (५) ग्लान-रोगी, (६) शैक्ष-नवदीक्षित, (७) कुल-गच्छों का समुदाय, (८) गण-कुलों का समुदाय, (९) संघ-गणों का समुदाय, (१०) साधर्मिक-समानधर्मा, साधु-साध्वी।
गाथा ३६-यहाँ व्युत्सर्ग तप में कायोत्सर्ग की ही गणना की है। प्रावरण एवं पात्र आदि उपधि का विसर्जन भी व्युत्सर्ग तप है। कषाय का व्युत्सर्ग भी व्युत्सर्ग तप में गिना गया है। काय मुख्य है। अतः काय के व्युत्सर्ग में सभी उत्सर्गों का समावेश हो जाता है।
Verse 7—External austerity-For following reasons it is called external austerity-1. Fast and the like are external causes for liberation. 2. It is associated with external things like body. 3. It is the cause of liberation only through internal austerities and not a direct cause on its own.
Internal austerity-As against this the austerity that is not dependent on external means like body and the like, naturally inspired by mind and practiced only by highly sagacious aspirants, is internal austerity (meditation etc.).
Verse-10-11-Temporary fasting austerity is observed according to place, time, circumstances and capacity of the individual for a predetermined limit of time. In the period of Bhagavan Mahavir's influence this limit varies from a minimum of 48 minutes (2 ghadis) to a maximum of six months. Briefly it is of six types
1. Shreni tap (Fasting for group of days in linear numerical arrangement of a simple chain) - Beginning with a one day fast increasing the number of days in simple progression up to six months is called Shreni tap. For example, combination of one day fast and two day fast is two-step Shreni tap; that of one-two-three-four day fasts is a four step Shreni tap.
2. Pratara tap (in the form of square)-The permutations of various combinations of shrenitap is called Pratara tap. For example the four step shreni tap (1, 2, 3, 4 days) can have 4 different combinations totaling to 16 sets of fasts as follows - S.No. 1 1 day - 2 days 3 days
4 days 2. 2 days 3 days
4 days 3 days 4 days 1 day
2 days 4 days
2 days
3 days This is pratara tap. There are sixteen sets of fasts in it. This is arrived at by multiplying rows and columns of shrenis. In other words the square of four sets comes to sixteen (42). It is equal in length and breadth (a square).
3. Ghana tap (in the form of cube or third power) - The number of sets in a square multiplied by the number of sets in a line gives Ghana tap. For example the aforesaid number of sets of fasting in the pratar tap (16) multiplied by the number of sets in the basic shreni tap (4) gives Ghana tap making a total of 64 (cube of four or 4') sets of fasting.
1 day
1 day