तर सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
एकोनत्रिंश अध्ययन [402]
आचार्य अभयदेव के (औपपातिक वृत्ति) अनुसार अस्पृशद् गति का अर्थ है-"अन्तरालवर्ती आकाश-प्रदेशों का स्पर्श किये बिना यहाँ से ऊर्ध्व मोक्ष स्थान तक पहुँचना।" उनका कहना है कि मुक्त जीव आकाश-प्रदेशों का स्पर्श किये बिना ही ऊपर चला जाता है। यदि वह अन्तरालवर्ती आकाश-प्रदेशों को स्पर्श करता जाये तो एक समय जैसे अल्पकाल में मोक्ष तक कैसे पहुँच सकता है? नहीं पहुँच सकता। ____ आवश्यक चूर्णि के अनुसार अस्पृशद् गति का अर्थ है-मुक्त जीव एक समय में ही मोक्ष में पहुँच जाता है। वह अपने ऊर्ध्वगमनकाल में दूसरे समय को स्पर्श नहीं करता। मुक्तात्मा की यह समश्रेणि रूप सहज गति है। इसमें मोड़ नहीं लेना होता। अत: दूसरे समय की अपेक्षा नहीं है।
(उत्तराध्ययनसूत्र टिप्पण; साध्वी चन्दना जी)
IMPORTANT NOTES Maxim 7—Karan-guna-shreni (upward sequence of spiritual levels) is a term depicting spiritual development. The post apurvakaran (doing hitherto not done; a process of meditation at eighth Gunasthan) sequence of shedding of karmas, which causes enhancement of virtues, is called Karani-guna-shreni. Karan means pure intent and activity of soul. The eighth level of spiritual development (Gunasthan) is called Nivritti Badar Samparaya Gunasthan or Apurvakaran Gunasthan. At this level the intent and activity of soul are pure as had never been before; as such it is called apurvakaran. Drawing aggregates of infinite ultimate particles of deluding karma, destined to come to fruition soon, into the first Samaya and shedding them is a spiritual process. In the second Samaya innumerable times more karma particles than those of the first moment are destroyed. This process continues in progression multiplying every passing Samaya. The fast pace of shedding karmas goes on for one Muhurt (48 minutes) comprising of infinite number of Samayas.
This is also called Kshapak Shreni (sequence of destruction of karmas). The process begins at the eighth gunasthan.
There are two processes for subduing of deluding karma. The process of pacification where gradual pacification of deluding karmas leads to complete pacification and there is no fruition for one Antarmuhurt. It is called upshama shreni (sequence of pacification of karmas). The second process is that of destruction where gradual destruction of deluding karmas leads to complete destruction, and there is no particle of karma adhering to the soul. It is called kshapaka shreni (sequence of destruction of karmas). It is this sequence of destruction of karmas that leads to omniscience (kaivalya).
The mention of Guna Shreni here points at this kshapaka shreni attained at the eighth Gunasthan.
Maxim 15-Basically the terms stuti and stava have the same meaning-praise of virtues with devotion. Traditionally a stuti has a maximum of three couplets. Any verse that has more than three couplets is a stava.
Maxim 17-The sthiti bandha (duration bondage) occurs only with feelings of passions. In association with passionless activities of mind, speech and body the dust of karma particles is removed as soon as it touches, just like dry sand ball thrown on a wall. This is because it does not have adhesive quality imparted by attachment and aversion. Even an omniscient acquires bondage of karmas every moment of his movement as long as he is in the state of association (sayogi). But