on सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
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Verse 5–Lakshan (signs or marks) - The commentary (vritti) of Pravachanasaaroddhaar (leaf 410,411) mentions that the congenital marks, including umbrella, wheel and goad, appearing as outlines on the body are called lakshan. It is believed that on the body of an average man a maximum of 32 auspicious marks may be seen; this number could be 108 in case of Baladeva and Vaasudeva and 1008 in case of a Chakravarti and Tirthankar.
The honorific numbers 108 and 1008 added before the names of venerable persons reflects this belief.
Verse 6—Vajra-rishabh-narach samhanan—The skeletal constitution of body is called samhanan and it is of six kinds based on the perfection of joints. The best among these is this Vajrarishabh-narach samhanan. It has been described as the constitution where the joints conform to perfection of the order-two bones joint as snug and perfect as an infant monkey holds its mother, a third bone joins as a sleeve and a fourth as plug-socket. Such skeletal constitution with most strong and perfect joints is called Vajra-rishabh-narach samhanan. All the epoch makers (Shalaka Purush) are endowed with this constitution. (Avashyak Churni, pp. 129-130)
Samachaturasra samsthan-An anatomical structure of a human being where all the parts of body above and below the navel are of standard dimensions. The dimensions increase and decrease proportionately. The height of the body is 108 times the width of a finger (angul). When parallel lines drawn from the extremities of a body sitting cross-legged form a square, the anatomical structure is called Samachaturasra Samsthan. (Illustrated Anuyogadvar Sutra, 205)
Verse 9—Kautuk-mangal-Before the marriage ceremony, touching the bride-groom's forehead with mace and other such rituals are called kautuk. Auspicious substances like curd, rice, milk, sandalwood and the like are called mangal. (V.V.)
Divya-yugal (Divine pair)-In ancient ages the dress in vogue was in pairs. The lower half was called Antariya it was generally dhoti, a long cloth methodically wrapped around at waist to cover the lower part of the body. The upper half was called Uttariya and it was generally a chaadar, a large oblong scarf to cover the upper half.
Verse 10-Gandhahasti-A bull elephant of the best class, whose very smell is said to frighten common elephants.
Verse 11-Samudravijaya, Akshobhya, Vasudeva etc., were ten brothers heading the Yadav clan. The ten brothers as a group were popularly known as Dashaar Chakra.
Verse 13—Andhak and Vrishni were two brothers. Vrishni was Arishtanemi's grandfather. He was the founder of Vrishni clan. According to Dashavaikalik and some other scriptures the clan was also popularly known as Andhak-Vrishni clan.