चित्र परिचय ४४
Illustration No.44
मृगापुत्र राजमहलों के गवाक्ष में खड़ा मृगापुत्र राजपथ पर नगर की हलचलें देख रहा था कि एक तपस्वी संयमी श्रमण को आते हुये अनिमेष निहारने लगा। वह विचारों में गहरा खो गया तो उसे जातिस्मरण ज्ञान हुआ। पूर्व-जन्म में आचरित मुनिधर्म का वह साक्षात् अनुभव करने लगा।
-अध्ययन 19, सू. 1-9
Mrigaputra was watching the activities on highway standing in the balcony of his palace. He saw an austere ascetic and fixed his gaze on the approaching sage. He went deep in his thoughts and acquired Jati-smaran jnana (memories of the past births). He began to experience vividly the ascetic life he led during his past birth.
-Chapter 19, Aphorism 1-9