[207] अष्टादश अध्ययन
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Sanjayeeya. It is derived from the name of the principal character of this story, king Sanjaya or Samyata.
In the preceding chapter inspiration was given to practise pure ascetic-conduct. Whereas this chapter details the incident of the change of heart of and consequent practice of faultless ascetic conduct by a violent king who was fond of hunting.
The chain of events
Fond of hunting, king Sanjaya of Kampilyapur went into a forest for hunt with his four limbed army. The soldiers drove deer towards saffron garden and the king began to pierce them with arrows. Wounded deer were running in all directions. Some of them reached the garden and fell dead. Ascetic Gardabhali was engrossed in meditation there under a pavilion of creepers.
Chasing the deer the king arrived in the garden. When he saw ascetic Gardabhali there, he thought that the deer belonged to the ascetic. Filled with fear he got down from the horse and sought forgiveness for his crime (of killing deer) with joined palms.
On concluding his meditation, ascetic Gardabhali said-O king! Have no fear from me. You too should become fountainhead of fearlessness for others.
If this incident is taken to be the introduction to this chapter then the actual theme of the chapter begins (verse 1-1) with the words 'become source of fearlessness for others' (abhayadaayaa bhavahi ya).
A beautiful assimilation of asceticism (Jainism), philosophical doctrines and history can be found in this chapter. On listening to the enlightening discourse of ascetic Gardabhali and getting aware of the reality about the selfishness of worldly relatives king Sanjaya gets initiated. After he became an accomplished scholar with the blessings of his guru ascetic Sanjaya became a lone wanderer.
Lone wanderer ascetic Sanjaya once met a Kshatriya ascetic. During their conversation on a variety of topics including different schools of philosophy, doctrines and absolutism, the Kshatriya ascetic established non-absolutism (many sided viewpoint) propagated by Bhagavan Mahavir as the best in comparison. This is an established belief in Jain philosophy that Bhagavan Rishabhdev was the first preceptor of non-absolutism. Bhagavan Mahavir only re-established it.
Taking this precept of non-absolutism by Bhagavan Rishabhdev as the starting point the Kshatriya ascetic gives examples of 19 great men who understood the principle well and attained liberation after following ascetic conduct accordingly. These examples were given by the Kshatriya ascetic to ascetic Sanjaya in order to strengthen his faith in the path shown by the Jina. In the tenth chapter Bhagavan Mahavir tells Gautam Ganadhara not to be negligent even for a moment; but the message is for all aspirants. In the same way the discourse, philosophical discussions, establishment of non-absolutism and the related examples of noble great men by the Kshatriya ascetic are inspiring maxims to bolster the faith of all aspirants in Jain order.
The chapter has 54 verses.