This Aagam is titled Uttaradhyayan Sutra. The term uttar has many meanings such as best, utmost, last etc.
This text is popularly attributed to Bhagavan Mahavir without any dispute about its origin from any quarter. His last sermon included these thirty six lessons. While he was giving the thirty seventh lesson, titled to Pradhaan, he attained nirvana. That is why this compilation is accepted as the last sermon of Bhagavan Mahavir in popular belief.
The exceptional and lofty character of this scripture is evident in the inspiring qualities inherent in its contents. This work presents a profound and exhaustive analysis of Shraman tradition or Jainism.
The all embracing character of Uttaradhyayan Sutra reflects in the range of topics intricately woven in it. Besides Jain metaphysics and philosophy it envelopes discussions about right knowledge-faith-conductausterities, inspiring biographical sketches of great men, codes of ascetic praxis, duties of teacher and student and many other topics..
This work can be conveniently called the abrid.. d compendium of voluminous canonical literature of Jainism.
These special qualities of Uttaradhyayan Sutra have made this cothe most popular, studied and respected Agam in the Jain world.
It has 36 chapters (Adhyayan). Though every chapter deals with dir: topic still they are like beads of a single rosary. Every bead shines with its or unique hue to give a multicoloured glow to the whole rosary and saturate e the whole scripture with divineness. As a result this canon is embraced by masses as a divine and transcendent scripture.
Nayanatarakatanaraaaaaaaaaaaaakankanasi test
ਸੂਬਸੂਰਵਾਰ ਵਾਲੇ