सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
(९) शरीर को सजाने - विभूषित करने की इच्छा। (१०) दुर्जय कामभोग।
आत्मार्थी पुरुष के लिये ये दस बातें तालपुट विष के समान हैं ॥ १३ ॥
1. Lodging used or frequented by women.
2. Charming talks about women.
3. Intimate relationship with women.
षोडश अध्ययन [ 196 ]
4. To gape at charming body-parts of women. (11)
5. To listen to screeching, wailing, singing, laughing and other sounds by women.
6. To recall past experiences of enjoyments and cohabitation with women.
7. To consume nourishing, delicious food and drinks.
8. To eat excessive quantity of food. (12)
9. Desire of embellishing and adorning body.
10. Pleasures and comforts difficult to subdue.
Aforesaid ten things are like fatal poison for a man on spiritual path. (13) दुज्जए कामभोगे य, निच्चसो परिवज्जए । संकट्ठाणाणि सव्वाणि, वज्जेज्जा पणिहाणवं ॥ १४ ॥
स्थिर चित्त वाला साधु दुर्जय कामभोगों का सदा परित्याग करे और सभी प्रकार के शंका स्थानों से दूर रहे ॥ १४ ॥
A resolute ascetic should always avoid all pleasures and comforts that are difficult to subdue, keep away from all sources of doubt. (14)
धम्मारामे चरे भिक्खू, धिइमं धम्मसारही । धम्मारामरए दन्ते, बम्भचेर - समाहिए ॥ १५ ॥
ब्रह्मचर्य में सुसमाहित भिक्षु धैर्यवान, धर्मरथ का सारथी, धर्मरूपी उद्यान में रत, इन्द्रियों और कषायों पर विजय प्राप्त करके धर्मरूपी उद्यान में विचरण करे ॥ १५॥
Devoted to the vessel of religion, an ascetic, well established in celibacy, should become a patient charioteer of the religious-chariot and after conquering the senses and passions, he should move about in the garden of religion. (15)
देव- -दाणव- गन्धव्वा, जक्ख- रक्खस- किन्नरा । बम्भयारिं नमसन्ति, दुक्करं जे करन्ति तं ॥ १६ ॥
जो दुष्कर ब्रह्मचर्य का पालन करता है, उसे देव, दानव, गन्धर्व, यक्ष, राक्षस, किन्नर - सभी नमन करते हैं ॥ १६ ॥
One who practices the difficult virtue of perfect celibacy is venerated by Devs, Danavas, Gandharvas, Yakshas, Raakshasas and Kinnaras (classes of divine beings) all. (16)