[181] 40/GYT 3782
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र in
4. antariksha-nimitta-divining by study of unusual happenings in the sky such as shapes of clouds, fiery horizon, storms, rains etc. Astrology is also a part of this.
5. svapna-nimitta-divining by study of dreams. 6. lakshan-nimitta-divining by study of signs, body-marks, diagrams etc. 7. dand-vidya-study of knots and other deformities in sticks for its use, effects as well as divining.
8. vastu-vidya-study of architecture, dimensions, directions, set-backs of buildings for use, effects as well as divining.
9. anga-vikaar-nimitta-divining by study of body signs, defects and other symptoms including twitching of the eyelids.
10. svara-vidya-study of inhalation and exhalation for effects as well as divining.
Use of the said knowledge to get alms is one of the faults of alms-seeking called utpadana dosh or fault related to origin.
Verse 8–Traditionally dhoomanetta is regarded as one compound word. But commentators interpret the term as two separate words dhooma (smoke) and netra (eyes). In their view dhooma here conveys fumigate body by fumes of herbal incenses like manah-shila. Netra conveys application of medicinal powders or ointments in eyes. In Dashavaikalik and Uttaradhyayan, edited by Muni Nathmalji, dhoomanetra is interpreted as inhaling smoke through pipe or tube.
Snaana (bath) here refers to special subject of bath related incantation. According to Vrihad Vritti special bath with herb mixed and mantra-potentized water was prescribed to get a son. (V.V.)
Verse 9—According to Aavashyak-Niryukti (Verse 198) Bhagavan Rishabhadev established four classes of men-1. Ugra (protectors), 2. Bhoga (teachers), 3. Rajanya (of same age; friends), and 4. Kshatriya (all others).
Bhogik also means ministers. Shantyacharya's etymology is-important person recognized by king or state.
Gana means leaders or people of a republic. At the time of Bhagavan Mahavir there were many powerful republics including Lichchhavi and Shaakya. Vajji republic was inclusive of eighteen republics of Kaashi-Kaushala including nine Lichchhavi and nine Mallak. In Kalpasutra these are mentioned as Ganaraayaano (the republic states).