सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
STUGOT 3TER [ 144]
The name of this chapter is Chitra-Sambhutiya (About Chitra and Sambhuta). Chitra and Sambhuta were brothers. For last five births, the two brothers were born, lived and died together, but were separated in the sixth birth. The cause of this separation was ascetic Sambhuta's nidaan (craving and wishing for worldly pleasures as a fruit of penance and religious activities).
In the preceding chapter the brilliance of intensely austere 'Harikesha' has been lucidly described. But this chapter contains the story of the fall of an ascetic into the whirlpool of rebirths due to his craving for worldly pleasures. It also shows how an ascetic free of desires attained liberation.
Thus in this chapter the clash of indulgence in the mundane (bhoga) and spiritual pursuit (yoga), and their bad and good consequences are described. This chapter is based on union and separation. Five Earlier Births of Chitra-Sambhuta
The stories of five earlier births of Chitra-Sambhuta, in brief, are as follows
While enjoying his regal comforts, king Munichandra, the son of king Chandravatansak of Saketa, got detached. He got formally initiated by ascetic Sagar Chandra and started observing rigorous austerities.
Once he was going with a caravan from one city to another through a forest. He went to a nearby village to get alms. On his return he found the caravan gone. Ignorant of the jungle trail, ascetic Munichandra got lost in the jungle. He got unconscious due to the agony of hunger and thirst. .
Not far from him four lads of a cowherd were minding their grazing herd. When they saw the unconscious ascetic, they attended him and he regained consciousness. The ascetic gave them a religious discourse. All the four boys got inspired and got initiated to lead ascetic life.
Among them two followed ascetic conduct immaculately. The other two developed hatred for their dirty clothes but otherwise they followed proper ascetic conduct.
After their death the ascetics filled with aforesaid hatred were reborn as divine beings. Completing the divine life-span they were born as twins in Dashaarnapur (Dashapur) to Yashomati, the maid servant of Brahmin Shandilya.