[47] 44 3TEET
सचित्र उत्तराध्ययन सूत्र
The title of this chapter is Akaam-maraniya or Naive Death. Niryukti (commentary) mentions another name also-Maran Vibhakti or Classifications of death.
In the preceding fourth chapter the life was described as irreparable and this chapter describes death.
It is a fact that death is inevitable for every living being. Each and every being is sure to die. The foremost question of the worldly being is-What is Death?
Does the soul die? No, it is immortal, imperishable and eternal. There is no question of its death. Then does the body die? No, in its basic material form it too remains as it was.
The question still remains unanswered-What is the death?
The answer is-When the life-span determining karma is exhausted the soul leaves the body. This separation of soul from the body is death.
If it is so, what difference does it make? Why every living being is afraid of death?
Fear originates from the unknown. Common man is afraid of death because he is ignorant about the definition of death. However, one who is aware is not afraid. He willingly accepts death.
This fact is described in this chapter by classifying death in two types-1. Naive death (akaam maran), and 2. Prudent death (sakaam maran).
In prudent death an aspirant faces death as a brave warrior, welcomes it as a guest and willingly accepts it. At the time of death he remains calm and blissful. His death is called prudent death or Pundit's death. Contrary to this the naive death or ignorant death (Bala-maran) has been taking place since the beginning of time and will continue to do so in future.
Naive death or ignorant death (Bala-maran) is of 12 types. It is preceded by abundance of passions including anger. Living beings, particularly human beings, who do not have good conduct and follow the ongoing social traditions; they are engulfed by fear at the time of death, fall into lowly realms and extend the cycles of rebirth. Contrary to this, those who accept prudent death, they reduce their rebirth cycles.
This fact has been affirmed with the help of examples and allegories in this chapter. There are 32 verses in this chapter.